compbiomed / singleCellTK

Interactively analyze single cell genomic data
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Added support for AnnData import and export, Seurat import #696

Closed mingl1997 closed 1 year ago

mingl1997 commented 1 year ago

There are still some bugs that I am trying to track down (edge cases). Please do not push this code to prod yet.

Changes: -Added AnnData (h5ad) import and export capability -Added Seurat (rds) import capability -Fixed a number of deprecated function calls -Preliminary batch input support by mass conversion to SCE

Todo: -Squash a bug caused by a a dataset leading to strange function calls in converting from SCE to AnnData (edge case) -Rework deprecated function call in creation of sparse matrix -Fully test batch input support -Figure out why AnnData support sometimes but not always fails (may be a local issue)

Tested on PBMC1k, 3k, 4k datasets, and randomly selected datasets from CZI.