compenguy / ngrammatic

A rust crate providing fuzzy search/string matching using N-grams
MIT License
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Improve performance by limiting comparison to only relevant ngrams #6

Closed Hugo-C closed 2 years ago

Hugo-C commented 2 years ago

Hey, I have been trying to improve the search performance by not testing the whole corpus, but only testing the similarity against texts in the corpus which have at least a common ngram with the input text. A downside is that it requires to compute and store an extra hashmap.

I have put a benchmark file in a separated branch so as to not "pollute" this PR: For a single search in a corpus of 7 words, the improvement is not outstanding at ~18%: image

For 20 searches in a corpus of 100 randoms words, the improvement is more significant at ~94%: image The full benchmark report:

Please let me know your opinion

compenguy commented 2 years ago

The performance improvement looks great, but I'm a bit concerned about memory usage, since each full ngram is now being duplicated probably on average ~8 times (assuming an average word size of 6 that would make 7 copies of the ngram in the gram_to_ngram lookup table, plus the canonical entry in the ngram lookup table).

Since there's already a lookup table for word->ngram, could your added table just map gram->word instead of gram->ngram? admittedly it means you have to do two lookups, gram->word and word->ngram but I'd be interested in seeing the benchmark difference there, because it might be negligible, for a probably-meaningful reduction in memory usage.

Hugo-C commented 2 years ago

The memory usage concerns is understandable. Using the gram->word + word->ngram method is indeed negligible on performance: image For the memory I tried Valgrind's Massif. I reused the code in the rng_search benchmark, so a corpus of 100 words of 10 letters. The files produced if you can make sense of them :smile: : massif_print_new.txt massif_print_old.txt

Based only on the graphs:

1.672^                                                    :    ::             
     |                                               @@#:::::@::::::          
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     |                           @::@@@@@@@:@@: @:@@@@@#:::::@::::::@::::     
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     |                       @::@@: @@@@@@@:@@: @:@@@@@#:::::@::::::@::::::   
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     |                  @@: @@::@@: @@@@@@@:@@: @:@@@@@#:::::@::::::@:::::@   
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     |       ::::@@@@:@@@@: @@::@@: @@@@@@@:@@: @:@@@@@#:::::@::::::@:::::@:::
   0 +----------------------------------------------------------------------->Mi
     0                                                                   6.828


371.4^                                       :::#                             
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     |          ::: ::@: @ : :@ : ::: :@:@ : :  #: :::: @: @:: @:@ :: :::: :: 
   0 +----------------------------------------------------------------------->Mi
     0                                                                   4.150

It seems indeed we cut the RAM usage by 80% :)

Hugo-C commented 2 years ago

Compared to before the PR:

108.5^                                                  :                     
     |                                          @@##:::::::::::               
     |                                        @@@ # :: ::: : :                
     |                                      @@@@@ # :: ::: : : :              
     |                                    @@@@@@@ # :: ::: : : :              
     |                                  @@@ @@@@@ # :: ::: : : :::            
     |                           :     @@@@ @@@@@ # :: ::: : : ::             
     |                           : ::::@@@@ @@@@@ # :: ::: : : :: ::          
     |                           ::: : @@@@ @@@@@ # :: ::: : : :: :           
     |                        @@@::: : @@@@ @@@@@ # :: ::: : : :: : ::        
     |                       @@  ::: : @@@@ @@@@@ # :: ::: : : :: : :         
     |                    @@@@@  ::: : @@@@ @@@@@ # :: ::: : : :: : : :       
     |                  @@@@ @@  ::: : @@@@ @@@@@ # :: ::: : : :: : : :       
     |              :  :@@@@ @@  ::: : @@@@ @@@@@ # :: ::: : : :: : : :::     
     |              ::::@@@@ @@  ::: : @@@@ @@@@@ # :: ::: : : :: : : ::      
     |            @@:: :@@@@ @@  ::: : @@@@ @@@@@ # :: ::: : : :: : : :: :    
     |          ::@ :: :@@@@ @@  ::: : @@@@ @@@@@ # :: ::: : : :: : : :: ::   
     |        ::::@ :: :@@@@ @@  ::: : @@@@ @@@@@ # :: ::: : : :: : : :: : :: 
     |     :::: ::@ :: :@@@@ @@  ::: : @@@@ @@@@@ # :: ::: : : :: : : :: : :  
     |   :::: : ::@ :: :@@@@ @@  ::: : @@@@ @@@@@ # :: ::: : : :: : : :: : :  
   0 +----------------------------------------------------------------------->KB
     0                                                                   448.1

So the PR (for this specific case of 100 randoms words) improve the speed by a factor 10 for a memory cost of 3/4 times

compenguy commented 2 years ago

Published to as v0.3.5