compholio / jabbrv

Automatic Journal Title Abbreviation Package for LaTeX
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Failing Hyperlinks in apsrev4-1 #44

Open TobiasS94 opened 9 months ago

TobiasS94 commented 9 months ago

Hello there!

First of all, thanks for providing this nice package! I found the problem in the apsrev4-1 and jabbrv_apsrev4-1 that the Hyperlinks are not properly formatted so that the used URL will contain a space where should not be a space. Therefore, the linked article cannot be found.

The problem is completely described AND SOLVED in this Thread:

If I get a feedback about which file (apsrev4-1.bst or jabbrv_apsrev4-1.bst) is the one to be used ( I cannot see the difference) I can do a push Request or you experts just do this little update.

Best regards Tobias

compholio commented 9 months ago

Sorry, jabbrv_apsrev4-1.bst is the one to modify - I've removed the other one for clarity.