compilatio / moodle-plagiarism_compilatio plagiarism plugin for Moodle
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Please move language files to language packs #82

Closed koenr closed 1 year ago

koenr commented 1 year ago

HI Plugin maintainer,

It is against recommendations to include languages other then English in the plugin lang folder. Please remove them. Good reasons to do so include:

  1. The strings in the plugin folder override the strings in the Moodle language pack.
  2. Because of item 1, the language pack maintainer can't make the translation consistent with the rest of the Moodle language pack in case that is necessary.
  3. No one knows what happens with strings in a child language pack, depending on a strings in a folder, since that is not tested. No idea what es_mx will get: es or es_mx, es from file, es from language pack, ... complicated
  4. Even more important for you: The translation stats are wrong: see
  5. Because of item 4 it seems like a French and Spanish translation is not available, while they are.
  6. Because of item 4 the listed translations for es and it will never be used, since they are overridden by the files in the plugin.

Background information on

You can upload them as a contribution through (-> import translated strings from file). Make sure you choose the correct language. Once the files are there, you can maintain them through AMOS. Just make a contribution, the language pack maintainer will review them and commit them in the Moodle language pack.

Thank you for your care.

Kind regards Koen Roggemans Moodle Translation coordinator

compilatio commented 1 year ago

Hello, Language packs have been removed in the last version of the plugin : 2.6.15.