compiler-explorer / infra

Infrastructure to set up the public Compiler Explorer instances and compilers
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Windows logging issues #969

Open mattgodbolt opened 1 year ago

mattgodbolt commented 1 year ago

Some commentary on windows papertrail logging:

Mar 18 20:36:13Z EC2AMAZ-AMNTGCN amazonwin.winprod info: Listening on http://localhost:10240/

partouf commented 1 year ago

Re 'not prod', I don't think that's possible

Re address, have tried to rename the "computername", but that requires a reboot, so that's not very useful. If we can somehow set a custom hostname for papertrail, then we can do it, because we do have the information here

partouf commented 1 year ago

Looks like you can customize the hostname Will see if we can arrange that with a setting

partouf commented 1 year ago

the papertrail hostname for win is now in line with the rest of our instances