compiler-research / CppInterOp

A Clang-based C++ Interoperability Library
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wasm nightly builds fail #199

Closed vgvassilev closed 4 months ago

vgvassilev commented 4 months ago

Our current master seems to fail during wasm builds. @mcbarton, do you know if that's expected and if we can fix it?

mcbarton commented 4 months ago

@vgvassilev The last 2 nightly builds have all passed for the wasm builds, since the cache was cleared. Can you point to me it is failing? The reason it failed when it merged was due to it using the incompatible llvm builds.

vgvassilev commented 4 months ago

Ha, you are right. Apparently when we merge something on the front page of the code tab github records the run (from 3 days ago) and does not update it. Sorry for the noise. Now I can look how to release CppInterOp!