compiling-to-categories / concat

Compiling to Categories
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Choosing object definitions in categories #4

Open jwiegley opened 7 years ago

jwiegley commented 7 years ago

I'm trying to represent the Z3 Monad as a Kleisli category, because I'd love to write solver equations using simple, boolean+numeric Haskell functions. However, booleans and other types in Z3 are not distinguished objects in that category: There is only one object, AST, with all morphisms being endomorphisms on that object.

conal commented 7 years ago

Sounds like a wonderful application of compiling to categories! I'd try using a phantomly typed wrapper. As an example, see the phantom Syn category in ConCat.Syntactic.

jwiegley commented 7 years ago

One place where I'm having difficulties with the phantom approach is defining IfCat:

newtype Z3Cat a b = Z3Cat { runZ3Cat :: Kleisli Z3 AST AST }

instance Category Z3Cat where
    id  = Z3Cat id
    Z3Cat f . Z3Cat g = Z3Cat (f . g)

instance IfCat Z3Cat a where
    ifC = Z3Cat $ Kleisli $ ???

The function I want to use is mkIte:

mkIte :: MonadZ3 z3 => AST -> AST -> AST -> z3 AST

However, because my phantom types are not communicating the fact that a product is being used for the argument, I have no way of getting the separate arguments to mkIte.

conal commented 7 years ago

I see. I had a similar challenge with generating circuits. My solution there was to define a GADT that contains a type-based structure that I can manipulate and then later flatten. Something like the following:

data E :: * -> * where
  PrimE :: AST -> E a
  PairE :: E a -> E b -> E (a,b)

newtype Z3Cat a b = Z3Cat { runZ3Cat :: Kleisli Z3 (E a) (E b) }

instance IfCat Z3Cat a where
  ifC = Z3Cat $ Kleisli $ \ (PairE (PrimE c) (PairE (PrimE t) (PrimE e))) ->
          PrimE <$> mkIte c t e

You'll probably really want to allow non-prim Es for t and e (the then and else arguments). See prodIf in ConCat.Category and its use in ConCat.Circuit.

In this style, Z3Cat is no longer a phantom type directly. Instead, E is the phantom type in a more structured way.

jwiegley commented 7 years ago

Ok, here's my equation for the solver, written in plain Haskell:

equation :: (Num a, Ord a) => a -> a -> Bool
equation x y =
    x < y &&
    y < 100 &&
    0 <= x - 3 + 7 * y &&
    (x == y || y + 20 == x + 30)

Here's how I run the solver:

    res <- evalZ3With Nothing opts $ do
        x <- mkFreshIntVar "x"
        y <- mkFreshIntVar "y"
        PrimE ast <-
            runKleisli (runZ3Cat (ccc @Z3Cat (uncurry (equation @Int))))
                       (PairE (PrimE x) (PrimE y))
        assertShow ast
        -- check and get solution
        fmap snd $ withModel $ \m ->
            catMaybes <$> mapM (evalInt m) [x, y]
    case res of
        Nothing  -> error "No solution found."
        Just sol -> do
            putStrLn $ "Solution: " ++ show sol

And here's the result, which also show you the equation we submitted to Z3:

(let ((a!1 (ite (<= 0 (+ (- x!0 3) (* 7 y!1)))
                (ite (= x!0 y!1) true (= (+ y!1 20) (+ x!0 30)))
  (ite (< x!0 y!1) (ite (< y!1 100) a!1 false) false))
Solution: [-8,2]

Now with one function, I have either a predicate that I can use in Haskell code, or an input to Z3 for finding possible arguments for which it is true!

conal commented 7 years ago


Next, how about an easy-to-use "run" function, say

runZ3 :: Z3able a => Z3Cat a Bool -> IO (Maybe a)

This is a great example of compiling to categories. If it's okay with you, I'd love to show it off at work and in my keynote at Lambda Jam in Sydney next month.

jwiegley commented 7 years ago

Funny, I was just thinking about an easier run function during dinner now. :) And yes! The example is yours to use as you see fit. I think I'll package it up and put it on Hackage, once I've done a bit more testing. I'd also like to add support for internal homs, since Z3 allows registering "functions" by specifying the sorts and arity.

jwiegley commented 7 years ago

I've created a project for this example:

conal commented 7 years ago

Cool. How do you build & run the tests? After cabal-installing, I tried the following:

bash-3.2$ cabal test
cabal: Ambiguous build target 'z3cat'. It could be:
lib:z3cat (component)
test:z3cat (component)
jwiegley commented 7 years ago

Let me rename the test.

conal commented 7 years ago

Thanks. The test works for me now.