completely-burned / glowing-octo-shame-arma2

mission for game ArmA 2 OA and Arma 3
The Unlicense
18 stars 0 forks source link

Ошибки из файла RPT #83

Open completely-burned opened 3 years ago

completely-burned commented 3 years ago

Опечатки в коде.

completely-burned commented 3 years ago

_bestCandidate перезаписывается если уже найден до

completely-burned commented 3 years ago

_bestCandidate перезаписывается если уже найден до

fixed a10cd197813bb1c52e4d9108c2d53d9a670ce730

completely-burned commented 3 years ago

можно оставлять комментарии TODO: в коде

completely-burned commented 3 years ago

fnc_findSafePos.sqf, line 172 в 1.64

completely-burned commented 3 years ago
Error in expression <ehicle _l) then {
_rm = [_grp]+_rm;
_rm resize round ((_all_groups-_z) min count>
  Error position: <resize round ((_all_groups-_z) min count>
  Error Zero divisor
File mpmissions\__cur_mp.woodland_acr\dir\server\updateReinforcement.sqf, line 158

возможно исправлено 521c101f1a07222c1b299e5a370d18d7aef631b3

completely-burned commented 3 years ago
Error in expression <WaypointType 'UNLOAD'", _grp];

if (waypointPosition _z select 0 != 0 && way>
  Error position: <waypointPosition _z select 0 != 0 && way>
  Error waypointposition: Type Group, expected Array
File mpmissions\__cur_mp.shapur_baf\dir\Functions\fnc_group_wp.sqf, line 309

после этого завершается генерация маршрутов позорище еще не исправлено b8b9ba175ce02148ebdc0ac893bbe35d7bdfc1f2...5c3ba5b3f915da3fa83d63d73f94514125465a05

completely-burned commented 3 years ago
Error in expression <private["_grps_rarity"];
_grps_rarity = CivilianLocation getVariable "_grps_rari>
  Error position: <CivilianLocation getVariable "_grps_rari>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: civilianlocation
File mpmissions\__cur_mp.bootcamp_acr\dir\server\init_towns.sqf, line 91
completely-burned commented 3 years ago
"Log: [fnc_spawnCrew.sqf] [28d0e3c0# 433366: ch_47f.p3d,B 1-1-A,["BAF_Pilot_W","BAF_Pilot_W","BAF_Pilot_W"]]"
"Log: [fnc_spawnCrew.sqf] _typicalCargo = ["BAF_Pilot_W","BAF_Pilot_W","BAF_Pilot_W"]"
"Log: [fnc_spawnCrew.sqf] _turrets = [[0],[1],[2]]"
"Log: [fnc_spawnCrew.sqf] _sorted = [[-3,[1]],[-2,[0]],[-1,[2]]]"
"Log: [fnc_spawnCrew.sqf] _typicalCargo2 = ["BAF_Pilot_W","BAF_Pilot_W",<null>]"
Error in expression <Nil {_typicalCargo2})then{
_unit = _grp createUnit [(_typicalCargo2 select _i), >
  Error position: <createUnit [(_typicalCargo2 select _i), >
  Error Type Any, expected String
File mpmissions\__cur_mp.woodland_acr\dir\Functions\fnc_spawnCrew.sqf, line 103

возможно исправлено 68bb0929ac676953c122af5f4a3a9353297490ba

completely-burned commented 3 years ago
Bad conversion: array
Error in expression <K","FIRE","ATTACKFIRE"]} 
or  {count (_x nearEntities ["Man", 150]) > 0} 
  Error position: <nearEntities ["Man", 150]) > 0} 
  Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected
File mpmissions\__cur_mp.desert_e\dir\Functions\fnc_group_other.sqf, line 183
completely-burned commented 3 years ago
Error in expression <reen 0.75;

player setPos getMarkerPos (gosa_respawnMarkers call BIS_fnc_selectR>
  Error position: <gosa_respawnMarkers call BIS_fnc_selectR>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: gosa_respawnmarkers
File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.desert_e\dir\client\playerStartPos.sqf, line 25
completely-burned commented 3 years ago

транспорт создается остановленным
лень исправлять, вм не успевает выполнить этот код до начала движения тс

completely-burned commented 3 years ago
Error in expression <radius = _this select 2;

_list = _pos nearEntities [["Land"],_radius];
for "_i>
  Error position: <nearEntities [["Land"],_radius];
for "_i>
  Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected
File mpmissions\__cur_mp.chernarus\dir\Functions\fnc_find_AA_pos.sqf, line 15
completely-burned commented 2 years ago
Unknown action Surrender
Unknown action GetOver
completely-burned commented 2 years ago
Error in expression <ct 0), count (_grp select 4)]];

if (_z select 0 + (_z select 2 * 0.5) + ({_x se>
  Error position: <select 0 + (_z select 2 * 0.5) + ({_x se>
  Error Zero divisor
File mpmissions\__cur_mp.provinggrounds_pmc\dir\server\while_reinforcement_v2.sqf, line 250
completely-burned commented 2 years ago
Suspending not allowed in this context
Error in expression <mpts = 0;
_attempts = _attempts + 1;
sleep 0.005;

  Error position: <sleep 0.005;

  Error Generic error in expression
File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.chernarus\dir\Functions\fnc_getSafePos.sqf, line 59

Suspending not allowed in this context sleep

completely-burned commented 2 years ago
Error in expression <i" from 0 to _fadetime step _delay do {
_grpIconColor set [0,(_grpIconColor sele>
  Error position: <_grpIconColor set [0,(_grpIconColor sele>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _grpiconcolor
File ca\modules\marta\data\scripts\fnc_effect.sqf, line 35
completely-burned commented 2 years ago
Error in expression <{
_type_weapon=getNumber (LIB_cfgWea >> _weapon >> "type");
if (_type_weapon >
  Error position: <_weapon >> "type");
if (_type_weapon >
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _weapon
File mpmissions\glowing-octo-shame-0-0-3-799-guer.utes\dir\Functions\fnc_dynSkill.sqf, line 29
Error in expression <IB_cfgWea >> _weapon >> "type");
if (_type_weapon == 5) then {
if (getNumber >
  Error position: <_type_weapon == 5) then {
if (getNumber >
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _type_weapon
File mpmissions\glowing-octo-shame-0-0-3-799-guer.utes\dir\Functions\fnc_dynSkill.sqf, line 31
completely-burned commented 2 years ago
Error in expression <NE";
if(_var_player_pos distance _pos2_destination > 10)then{
_grp setVar>
  Error position: <_pos2_destination > 10)then{
_grp setVar>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _pos2_destination
File mpmissions\glowing-octo-shame-0-0-3-801-guer-rsync.woodland_acr\dir\server\transport.sqf, line 196
completely-burned commented 2 years ago

Error in expression <3, false isFlatEmpty", _try_n, _limit, [_h,_t_pos]];

_r = _t>
  Error position: <_h,_t_pos]];

_r = _t>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _h
File mpmissions\__cur_mp.bootcamp_acr\dir\Functions\fnc_find_heliUnload_pos.sqf, line 70
completely-burned commented 2 years ago
Error in expression <y" DisplayCtrl (3511 + 0))
CtrlSetText (_icons select (0));} else {(UInamespace >
  Error position: <_icons select (0));} else {(UInamespace >
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _icons
File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.chernarus\dir\functions\fnc_SSM_updateMenu.sqf, line 54
Error in expression <tvariable [_var,_val];};

_icons = gosa_SSM_UIICONS;

  Error position: <gosa_SSM_UIICONS;

  Error Undefined variable in expression: gosa_ssm_uiicons
File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.chernarus\dir\functions\fnc_SSM_updateMenu.sqf, line 17
completely-burned commented 2 years ago
String STR_EVAL_TYPENAN not found
Error in expression <150]) > 0} 
if(isNil {_z} or {_z != _n})then{
if (gosa_loglevel > 0) then>
  Error position: <!= _n})then{
if (gosa_loglevel > 0) then>
  Error !=: Type Script, expected Number,String,Object,Side,Group,Text,Config entry,Display (dialog),Control,Team member,Task,Location
File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.takistan\dir\Functions\fnc_group_other.sqf, line 187
completely-burned commented 2 years ago
Error in expression <ame_keyDownEHId})then{
(findDisplay 46) displayRemoveEventHandler ["keyDown",_mo>
  Error position: <displayRemoveEventHandler ["keyDown",_mo>
  Error Type Script, expected Number
File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.takistan\dir\client\while_keyEH_smoke.sqf, line 16
completely-burned commented 2 years ago

ошибки могут быть вызваны сбоем движка
даже если они отсутствуют в скриптах

completely-burned commented 2 years ago
23:55:29 Error in expression <{_lock = true}else{_lock = false};

if (!_lock_old && _lock) then {
diag_log for>
23:55:29   Error position: <!_lock_old && _lock) then {
diag_log for>
23:55:29   Error !: Тип Число, ожидался Булево
23:55:29 File C:\users\steamuser\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\draga\missions\glowing-octo-shame-rsync-west.Altis\dir\common\while_vehicles_lock.sqf..., line 108
completely-burned commented 2 years ago

completely-burned commented 2 years ago
13:04:43 Error in expression <_typicalCargo2 set [_i+1, _typicalCargo select _n+1]; 
breakTo "sn_t";
13:04:43   Error position: <select _n+1]; 
breakTo "sn_t";
13:04:43   Error делитель нуля
13:04:43 File C:\Users\draga\Documents\Arma 3\missions\sl.Altis\dir\Functions\fnc_spawnCrew.sqf..., line 87
13:04:43 "Log: [fnc_spawnCrew.sqf] _sorted = [[0,[0]],[0,[1]],[0,[2]],[0,[3]]]"
13:04:43 "Log: [fnc_spawnCrew.sqf] _typicalCargo2 = [<null>,<null>,<null>,<null>]"
13:04:43 Error in expression <Nil {_typicalCargo2})then{
_unit = _grp createUnit [(_typicalCargo2 select _i), >
13:04:43   Error position: <createUnit [(_typicalCargo2 select _i), >
13:04:43   Error Тип Любой, ожидался Строка
13:04:43 File C:\Users\draga\Documents\Arma 3\missions\sl.Altis\dir\Functions\fnc_spawnCrew.sqf..., line 108
completely-burned commented 2 years ago

В одиночной игре если игрок мертв.

17:24:48 Error in expression <layers call BIS_fnc_selectRandom);

if([_pos, [0,0]] call BIS_fnc_distance2D < 1>
17:24:48   Error position: <_pos, [0,0]] call BIS_fnc_distance2D < 1>
17:24:48   Error Неопределенная переменная в выражении: _pos
17:24:48 File C:\Users\draga\Documents\Arma 3\missions\sl.Altis\dir\Functions\fnc_waypoints.sqf..., line 117
17:24:48 Error in expression <.sqf"
private "_w";
_w = _this select 0 addWaypoint [_this select 1, _this selec>
17:24:48   Error position: <addWaypoint [_this select 1, _this selec>
17:24:48   Error 0 установлено элементов, 3 ожидалось
17:24:48 File C:\Users\draga\Documents\Arma 3\missions\sl.Altis\dir\Functions\fnc_addWaypoint.sqf..., line 2
17:24:48 Error in expression <_limit = _limit -1;

_wp = [_grp,_pos,_maxDist,_WaypointType] call gosa_f>
17:24:48   Error position: <_pos,_maxDist,_WaypointType] call gosa_f>
17:24:48   Error Неопределенная переменная в выражении: _pos
17:24:48 File C:\Users\draga\Documents\Arma 3\missions\sl.Altis\dir\Functions\fnc_waypoints.sqf..., line 260
completely-burned commented 2 years ago
17:26:09 "spawn_group.sqf create pos [[9849.45,12691.7,0],[1808898: ,1808897: ]] grp [[[""I_LT_01_scout_F"",""I_LT_01_AA_F""],[[0,0,0],[10,-10,0]],[""LIEUTENANT"",""LIEUTENANT""]]]"
17:26:09 "Log: [fnc_spawnVehicle] [[9849.45,12691.7],274.227,""I_LT_01_scout_F"",R Альфа 1-4]"
17:26:09 Error in expression <(ammo1+ammo2)>
17:26:09   Error position: <ammo1+ammo2)>
17:26:09   Error Неопределенная переменная в выражении: ammo1
17:26:09 unable to compile MFD condition '(ammo1+ammo2)'
17:26:09 Warning: Convex component representing Track_L not found
17:26:09 Warning: Convex component representing Track_R not found
17:26:09 Warning: Convex component representing Slide not found
17:26:09 I_LT_01_scout_F: mainturret - unknown animation source mainturret
17:26:09 I_LT_01_scout_F: maingun - unknown animation source maingun
17:26:09 I_LT_01_scout_F: cannon_ready_light - unknown animation source muzzle_hide_cannon
17:26:09 unable to connect anim. source "Hit" to hitpoint "HitGun" in I_LT_01_scout_F
completely-burned commented 2 years ago
Error in expression <¾дбитой техники", [_u,_veh,_role], _ng_l];
_z = _x getVariable "g>
  Error position: <_role], _ng_l];
_z = _x getVariable "g>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _role
File C:\Users\draga\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\glowing-octo-shame-east.Bootcamp_ACR\dir\Functions\fnc_allowGetIn.sqf, line 289
completely-burned commented 2 years ago
Error in expression < (count _crew_p > 0) then {

_tmp_arr = gosa_mapPlayersPublic;
if !(isNil "_tmp_>
  Error position: <gosa_mapPlayersPublic;
if !(isNil "_tmp_>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: gosa_mapplayerspublic
File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.takistan\dir\Functions\fnc_getUnitClass.sqf, line 54
completely-burned commented 1 year ago

Стрелком Су34, ии командир отряда, при открытии карты. Маркеров игрока на карте нет.

Error in expression <ocal _pos;
if (markerText _marker != _text) then {
_marker setMarkerTextLocal>
  Error position: <_text) then {
_marker setMarkerTextLocal>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _text
File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.takistan\dir\client\while_markers.sqf, line 346
user-hq commented 1 year ago

Arma 3

16:49:46 Error in expression <(time - _timeNow) >=_delay;>
16:49:46   Error position: <_delay;>
16:49:46   Error Неопределенная переменная в выражении: _delay
user-hq commented 1 year ago

Приводит к тому что игрок не может возродиться

Error in expression <tep -1 do {
if (rankId (_pre select _i) > rankId (_sorted select _s)) then
  Error position: <> rankId (_sorted select _s)) then
  Error >: Type String, expected Number
File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.bootcamp_acr\dir\Functions\fnc_sortUnits_onRank.sqf, line 12
user-hq commented 1 year ago
Error in expression <select 0);

for "_i" from 0 to ((count (_g select 0)) - 1) do {

_t = [_g, [0, _>
  Error position: <_g select 0)) - 1) do {

_t = [_g, [0, _>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _g
File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.takistan\dir\Functions\fnc_groupsRarity.sqf, line 37
"Log: [fnc_failoverGroup] isNil _typeList"
Error in expression <ist=+AllGroupsGuer;
default {};

[_typeList, [
[["Air"], 0],
[["Ship"], 0]>
  Error position: <_typeList, [
[["Air"], 0],
[["Ship"], 0]>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _typelist
File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.takistan\dir\Functions\fnc_failoverGroup.sqf, line 25
user-hq commented 1 year ago

Error in expression <veh = _arr select _i;

_time = (_x_veh getVariable "gosa_timeDeleteVehicle");
  Error position: <getVariable "gosa_timeDeleteVehicle");
  Error getvariable: Type String, expected Namespace,Object,Group,Team member,Task,Location
File mpmissions\__cur_mp.bootcamp_acr\dir\server\while_obj_gc.sqf, line 65
user-hq commented 1 year ago
Error in expression <ock = false;

if (locked _veh != _lock) then

diag_log format ["Log:>
  Error position: <!= _lock) then

diag_log format ["Log:>
  Error !=: Type Bool, expected Number,String,Object,Side,Group,Text,Config entry,Display (dialog),Control,Team member,Task,Location
File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.bootcamp_acr\dir\common\while_vehicles_lock.sqf, line 129
user-hq commented 1 year ago
Error in expression <t _houselist -1) do {
_obj = _houselist select _i0;
_bbox = abs((boundingbox _ob>
  Error position: <select _i0;
_bbox = abs((boundingbox _ob>
  Error Zero divisor
File mpmissions\__cur_mp.bootcamp_acr\dir\server\while_silvieManager.sqf, line 64
user-hq commented 1 year ago
 0:24:23 Error in expression <os = _positions select _i;
_itemPos = [(_pos select 0) + (_relPos select 0), (_p>
 0:24:23   Error position: <_pos select 0) + (_relPos select 0), (_p>
 0:24:23   Error Неопределенная переменная в выражении: _pos
 0:24:23 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.rhspkl\dir\Functions\fnc_spawnGroup.sqf..., line 60
user-hq commented 1 year ago
 0:23:51 Error in expression <= _fnc_spawnVehicle select 0;

if(count _roads > 0)then{
if(count _roads > 1)the>
 0:23:51   Error position: <_roads > 0)then{
if(count _roads > 1)the>
 0:23:51   Error Неопределенная переменная в выражении: _roads
 0:23:51 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.rhspkl\dir\Functions\fnc_spawnGroup.sqf..., line 92
user-hq commented 1 year ago
 0:23:51 Error in expression <


_pos set [2,1900];

_veh = createVehicle [_type, _pos, [], 0, "FORM>
 0:23:51   Error position: <createVehicle [_type, _pos, [], 0, "FORM>
 0:23:51   Error Тип Число,Не число, ожидался Число
 0:23:51 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.rhspkl\dir\Functions\fnc_spawnVehicle.sqf..., line 42
user-hq commented 1 year ago
 0:23:51 Error in expression <this select 1;
_roads = (_this select 0 select 1);
_pos = (_this select 0 select>
 0:23:51   Error position: <select 1);
_pos = (_this select 0 select>
 0:23:51   Error делитель нуля
 0:23:51 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.rhspkl\dir\Functions\fnc_spawnGroup.sqf..., line 10
user-hq commented 1 year ago
 0:24:23 Error in expression <e >> "isMan") == 1) then {
_unit = _grp createUnit [_type, _itemPos, [], 0, "NON>
 0:24:23   Error position: <createUnit [_type, _itemPos, [], 0, "NON>
 0:24:23   Error Тип Число,Не число, ожидался Число
 0:24:23 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.rhspkl\dir\Functions\fnc_spawnGroup.sqf..., line 67
user-hq commented 1 year ago

"isMan") == 1 ожидался Число Думаю это из-за модификаций, у них иногда true вместо 1

user-hq commented 1 year ago
2:11:03 Error in expression <"_i0" from 0 to (count ((_arr select 0) -1)) do {
_n = if (_arr select 0 select >
2:11:03   Error position: <-1)) do {
_n = if (_arr select 0 select >
2:11:03   Error Generic error in expression
2:11:03 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.rhspkl\dir\server\while_hq.sqf..., line 67
notconsequents commented 9 months ago
14:05:26 Error in expression <s = _positions select _i;
_itemPos = [
(_pos select 0) + (_relPos select 0),
14:05:26   Error position: <_pos select 0) + (_relPos select 0),
14:05:26   Error Неопределенная переменная в выражении: _pos
14:05:26 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.porto\dir\Functions\fnc_spawnGroup.sqf..., line 59
user-hq commented 7 months ago
18:15:18 Error in expression <;
_side = _this select 2;
_type = _this select 3;
_typicalCargo = _this select 4>
18:15:18   Error position: <select 3;
_typicalCargo = _this select 4>
18:15:18   Error делитель нуля
18:15:18 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.altis\dir\Functions\fnc_spawnCrew.sqf..., line 16
18:15:18 Error in expression <ets = allTurrets [_vehicle, true];

if(_type == "FDF_leopard2a4")then{
18:15:18   Error position: <_type == "FDF_leopard2a4")then{
18:15:18   Error Неопределенная переменная в выражении: _type
18:15:18 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.altis\dir\Functions\fnc_spawnCrew.sqf..., line 61
user-hq commented 1 day ago
14:28:31 "gosa_fnc_findSafePos.sqf [[9051.97,9098.05,0],[363269: ,363268: ]]"
14:28:31 "Log: [gosa_fnc_spawnGroup] [[],WEST,[[[""B_T_MRAP_01_F"",""B_W_Soldier_TL_F"",""B_W_Support_Mort_F"",""B_W_Support_AMort_F""],[[0,0,0],[5,-5,0],[-5,-5,0],[0,-10,0]],[""SERGEANT"",""SERGEANT"",""CORPORAL"",""PRIVATE""],[],1]]]"
14:28:31 Error in expression <s = _positions select _i;
_itemPos = [
(_pos select 0) + (_relPos select 0),
14:28:31   Error position: <_pos select 0) + (_relPos select 0),
14:28:31   Error Неопределенная переменная в выражении: _pos
14:28:31 File C:\Users\crazy\Documents\Arma 3\missions\gosa.abramia\dir\functions\fnc_spawnGroup.sqf..., line 72
14:28:31 "Log: [fnc_spawnVehicle] [[scalar NaN,scalar NaN,2],150.555,""B_T_MRAP_01_F"",B Альфа 1-6,[],WEST,""SERGEANT""]"
user-hq commented 1 day ago
"gosa_fnc_findSafePos.sqf [[5958.22,10924.8,-3.05176e-005],[432286: dirt10_w10_a0_286_r2000.p3d,432287: dirt10_w10_a1_146_r1000.p3d]]"
"Log: [gosa_fnc_spawnGroup] [[],WEST,[[["BAF_Soldier_AT_MTP","BAF_Soldier_AT_MTP","BAF_Soldier_HAT_MTP","BAF_Soldier_AAT_MTP","BAF_Soldier_AAT_MTP","BAF_Soldier_AHAT_MTP","BAF_FV510_D"],[[0,5,0],[3,0,0],[5,0,0],[7,0,0],[9,0,0],[11,0,0],[-5,0,0]],[3,1,1,0,0,0,3]]]]"
Error in expression <s = _positions select _i;
_itemPos = [
(_pos select 0) + (_relPos select 0),
  Error position: <_pos select 0) + (_relPos select 0),
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _pos
File C:\Users\crazy\Documents\ArmA 2\mpmissions\gosa.Takistan\dir\Functions\fnc_spawnGroup.sqf, line 72