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Create label column for simpler integration with Gephi #265

Closed katebanner closed 4 years ago

katebanner commented 4 years ago

A user requested we create an export option where the "name" variable stands for the "label" so that these data can be more easily displayed in Gephi.

jthrilly commented 4 years ago

Implement this as "Create 'label' column?" Then if selected, let the user choose a variable, defaulting to "name" (if available) that will be copied into a new field called label prior to export.

Ensure this works when no variable called name is available.

rebeccamadsen commented 4 years ago

This is for graphml, so isn't a column, but a data key, right? I assume this is copied, so the data is then in a 'name' field as well as a 'label' field?

What if there is a variable already named 'label'? Maybe disable the "Create 'label'?" option?

NC exports graphml too. How should this impact NC export, given that the export has basically no user options in NC? Default to not add 'label'?

wwqrd commented 4 years ago

My thoughts would be that, if there is a label field already, either:

Re exports on NC, maybe just supporting json would be the way forward?

jthrilly commented 4 years ago

This is for graphml, so isn't a column, but a data key, right? I assume this is copied, so the data is then in a 'name' field as well as a 'label' field?

Gephi can import CSV also, so this is for both.

What if there is a variable already named 'label'? Maybe disable the "Create 'label'?" option?

This would be destructive. We don't want to get too clever with it. Warn the user next to the option that any existing variable named "label" will be overwritten.

NC exports graphml too. How should this impact NC export, given that the export has basically no user options in NC? Default to not add 'label'?

I will reply to this in the export submodule PR too, but basically default to "off", yes. NC will just use the exporter with its own set of customizable options/defaults set.

jthrilly commented 4 years ago

This was implemented in