complexlogic / big-launcher

A work-in-progress HTPC application launcher
72 stars 1 forks source link

Link to Latest Windows Dev Build Broken #6

Closed Nerwyn closed 1 year ago

Nerwyn commented 1 year ago

The link to the latest Windows dev build has expired. Could you please reupload a new build?

complexlogic commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the report. I just rebuilt it so you can download it now.

Nerwyn commented 1 year ago

Thanks for updating the link! I got it all setup last night and even in this dev state it's the best TV launcher for HTPCs no contest. With this my HTPC UX is one step closer to parity with a smart TV . Honestly you should call it a beta build as is and post it to Reddit like you did Flex launcher. I did run into a few quirks during setup and use which I can create separate bugs for if you want or just mention here:

Thanks for all your hard work!

complexlogic commented 1 year ago

I'm glad to hear you were able to get it working. I only recently added Windows support to the program, so I have done very little testing on the Windows version. Your report helps a lot and I will look into the issues that you have found.