complexorganizations / content-blocker

✔️ Content Blocker is a robust web filtering project aimed at enhancing online privacy and security.
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Update. #76

Closed ghost closed 3 years ago

ghost commented 3 years ago
package main

import (


var (
    // Location of the configuration in the local system path
    combinedHost   = "assets/hosts"
    localExclusion = "assets/exclusion"
    localInclusion = "assets/inclusion"
    localValidate  = "assets/validate"
    // Memorandum with a domain list.
    exclusionDomains []string
    savedDomains     []string
    // Go routines using waitgrops.
    scrapeWaitGroup     sync.WaitGroup
    validationWaitGroup sync.WaitGroup
    uniqueWaitGroup     sync.WaitGroup
    cleanUpWaitGroup    sync.WaitGroup
    // The user expresses his or her opinion on what should be done.
    showLogs  bool
    update    bool
    install   bool
    uninstall bool
    search    string
    // err stands for error.
    err error

func init() {
    // If any user input flags are provided, use them.
    if len(os.Args) > 1 {
        tempUpdate := flag.Bool("update", false, "Make any necessary changes to the listings.")
        tempLog := flag.Bool("logs", false, "Check the weather before deciding whether or not to display logs.")
        tempInstall := flag.Bool("install", false, "Install the list into your operating system.")
        tempUninstall := flag.Bool("uninstall", false, "Uninstall the list from your operating system.")
        tempSearch := flag.String("search", "example.example", "Check to see if a specific domain is on a list.")
        update = *tempUpdate
        showLogs = *tempLog
        install = *tempInstall
        uninstall = *tempUninstall
        search = *tempSearch
    } else {
        // if there are no flags provided than we close the application.
        log.Fatal("Error: No flags provided. Please use -help for more information.")

func main() {
    // In your system, place the host file.
    if install {
    // Uninstall the host file from your system
    if uninstall {
    // Lists should be updated.
    if update {
    // Search
    if len(search) > 1 && search != "example.example" {

// Configure your system to use the lists.
func installInSystem() {
    var systemHostFile string
    switch runtime.GOOS {
    case "windows":
        systemHostFile = `C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts`
    case "darwin", "linux":
        systemHostFile = "/etc/hosts"
    // Install in your system.
    if !fileExists(systemHostFile) {
        writeHostFile(combinedHost, systemHostFile)
    } else {
        log.Fatal("Error: There is already a system host file presnet.")

// Remove it from your computer's operating system.
func uninstallInSystem() {
    var systemHostFile string
    switch runtime.GOOS {
    case "windows":
        systemHostFile = `C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts`
    case "darwin", "linux":
        systemHostFile = "/etc/hosts"
    if fileExists(systemHostFile) {
        err = os.Remove(systemHostFile)
        if err != nil {

func updateTheLists() {
    // Clear your memories as much as possible
    if folderExists(os.TempDir()) {
        os.Mkdir(os.TempDir(), 0777)
    } else {
        log.Println("Error: The system temporary directory could not be found.")
    // Force clear your system memory.
    // Max ammount of go routines
    // Remove the old files from your system if they are found.
    if fileExists(combinedHost) {
        err = os.Remove(combinedHost)
        if err != nil {
    // Scrape all of the domains and save them afterwards.
    // Add the local inclusion manually.
    if fileExists(localInclusion) {
        copyContentFromOneFileToAnother(localInclusion, combinedHost)
    // Read through all of the exclusion domains before appending them.
    if fileExists(localExclusion) {
        exclusionDomains = readAndAppend(localExclusion, exclusionDomains)
    // We'll make everything distinctive once everything is finished.
    if fileExists(combinedHost) {
        go makeEverythingUnique(combinedHost)
    // We wait until all the list(s) have been scraped.
    // Cleanup once everything is done
    if fileExists(localExclusion) {
        go finalCleanup(localExclusion)
    if fileExists(localInclusion) {
        go finalCleanup(localInclusion)
    if fileExists(localValidate) {
        go finalCleanup(localValidate)

// Replace the URLs in this section to create your own list or add new lists.
func startScraping() {
    combinedHostsURL := []string{
    // Let's start by making everything one-of-a-kind so we don't scrape the same thing twice.
    uniqueURL := makeUnique(combinedHostsURL)
    combinedHostsURL = nil
    // Hosts
    for _, content := range uniqueURL {
        // Before scraping, make sure the urls are legitimate.
        if validURL(content) {
            // Begin searching and confirming the domains you've discovered.
            go findTheDomains(content, combinedHost)
    // We'll just wait for it to finish as a group.
    // Clear the memory via force.

func findTheDomains(url string, saveLocation string) {
    // Send a request to acquire all the information you need.
    response, err := http.Get(url)
    if err != nil {
    // read all the content of the body.
    body, err := io.ReadAll(response.Body)
    if err != nil {
    // Examine the page's response code.
    if response.StatusCode == 404 {
        log.Println("Sorry, but we were unable to scrape the page you requested due to a 404 error.", url)
    // Scraped data is read and appended to an array.
    scanner := bufio.NewScanner(bytes.NewReader(body))
    var returnContent []string
    for scanner.Scan() {
        returnContent = append(returnContent, scanner.Text())
    // When you're finished, close the body.
    for _, content := range returnContent {
        // If the string begins with a "!", "|" inform the user that it is most likely a browser-level ad block list rather than a domain-level ad block list.
        if strings.HasPrefix(content, "!") || strings.HasPrefix(content, "|") {
            log.Println("Error: Most likely, this is a browser-level block list rather than a DNS-level block list.", url)
        // Check to see if the string includes a # prefix, and if it does, skip it.
        if strings.HasPrefix(content, "#") {
            content = ""
        // Remove any forwarding hosts from the string here.
        if strings.HasPrefix(content, "") || strings.HasPrefix(content, "") {
            // If any forwarding hosts are discovered, they should be removed.
            content = strings.TrimPrefix(content, "")
            content = strings.TrimPrefix(content, "")
            // Remove any `.` from the prefix for the supplied text.
            content = strings.TrimPrefix(content, ".")
            // If the string has any whitespace, remove it now.
            content = strings.TrimSpace(content)
        // This is a list of all the domains discovered using the regex.
        foundDomains := regexp.MustCompile(`(?:[a-z0-9_](?:[a-z0-9_-]{0,61}[a-z0-9])?\.)+[a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]{0,61}[a-z0-9]`).Find([]byte(content))
        // all domains discovered with the regexp
        foundDomain := string(foundDomains)
        // Remove the subdomain from the string, if any found.
        foundDomain, _ = publicsuffix.EffectiveTLDPlusOne(foundDomain)
        // Validate the entire list of domains.
        if len(foundDomain) < 255 && checkIPAddress(foundDomain) && !strings.Contains(foundDomain, " ") && strings.Contains(foundDomain, ".") && !strings.Contains(foundDomain, "#") && !strings.Contains(foundDomain, "*") && !strings.Contains(foundDomain, "!") {
            // confirms it's a public suffix domain
            eTLD, icann := publicsuffix.PublicSuffix(foundDomain)
            // Start the other tests if the domain has a valid suffix.
            if icann || strings.IndexByte(eTLD, '.') >= 0 {
                // Go ahead and verify it in the background.
                go validateTheDomains(foundDomain, saveLocation)
            } else {
                // Because we know it's not a legitimate suffix, it informs the user that the domain is invalid.
                if showLogs {
                    log.Println("Invalid domain suffix:", foundDomain, url)
        } else {
            // Let the user know that the domain is invalid since it does not fit the syntax.
            if showLogs {
                log.Println("Invalid domain syntax:", foundDomain, url)
    // While the validation is being performed, we wait.
    // Once validation is comlleted, we can close the wait group.
    // get rid of the memory.

func validateTheDomains(uniqueDomain string, locatioToSave string) {
    // Maintain a list of all authorized domains.
    if !arrayContains(savedDomains, uniqueDomain) {
        // Only validate the domain once.
        savedDomains = append(savedDomains, uniqueDomain)
        // Validate each and every found domain.
        if validateDomainViaLookupNS(uniqueDomain) || validateDomainViaLookupIP(uniqueDomain) || validateDomainViaLookupCNAME(uniqueDomain) || validateDomainViaLookupHost(uniqueDomain) {
            writeToFile(locatioToSave, uniqueDomain)
            if showLogs {
                log.Println("Valid domain:", uniqueDomain)
    } else {
        // Let the users know if there are any issues while verifying the domain.
        if showLogs {
            log.Println("Error validating domain:", uniqueDomain)
    // When it's finished, we'll be able to inform waitgroup that it's finished.

// Find all the matching domains in your lists
func findAllMatchingDomains(domain string) {
    // combined
    var combinedConfigArray []string
    combinedConfigArray = readAndAppend(combinedHost, combinedConfigArray)
    for _, content := range combinedConfigArray {
        // if the array matches with the string, you remove it from the array
        if strings.Contains(content, domain) {
            fmt.Println("Found Domain:", content, "Location:", combinedHost)
    // Exclusion
    var localExclusionArray []string
    localExclusionArray = readAndAppend(localExclusion, localExclusionArray)
    for _, content := range localExclusionArray {
        if strings.Contains(content, domain) {
            fmt.Println("Found Domain:", content, "Location:", localExclusion)

// Take a list of domains and make them one-of-a-kind
func makeUnique(randomStrings []string) []string {
    var uniqueString []string
    for _, value := range randomStrings {
        if !arrayContains(uniqueString, value) {
            uniqueString = append(uniqueString, value)
    return uniqueString

// Using name servers, verify the domain.
func validateDomainViaLookupNS(domain string) bool {
    valid, _ := net.LookupNS(domain)
    return len(valid) >= 1

// Using ip address, verify the domain.
func validateDomainViaLookupIP(domain string) bool {
    valid, _ := net.LookupIP(domain)
    return len(valid) >= 1

// Using cname, verify the domain.
func validateDomainViaLookupCNAME(domain string) bool {
    valid, _ := net.LookupCNAME(domain)
    return len(valid) >= 1

// Using host, see if the domain is legitimate.
func validateDomainViaLookupHost(domain string) bool {
    valid, _ := net.LookupHost(domain)
    return len(valid) >= 1

// Make sure it's not an IP address.
func checkIPAddress(ip string) bool {
    return net.ParseIP(ip) == nil

// Verify the URI.
func validURL(uri string) bool {
    _, err = url.ParseRequestURI(uri)
    return err == nil

// Check to see if a file already exists.
func fileExists(filename string) bool {
    info, err := os.Stat(filename)
    if err != nil {
        return false
    return !info.IsDir()

// Check to see whether the folder already exists.
func folderExists(foldername string) bool {
    info, err := os.Stat(foldername)
    if err != nil {
        return false
    return info.IsDir()

// check if a array contains a string
func arrayContains(originalArray []string, conatinsString string) bool {
    for _, arrayValue := range originalArray {
        if arrayValue == conatinsString {
            return true
    return false

// Remove a string from a slice
func removeStringFromSlice(originalSlice []string, removeString string) []string {
    // go though the array
    for i, content := range originalSlice {
        // if the array matches with the string, you remove it from the array
        if content == removeString {
            return append(originalSlice[:i], originalSlice[i+1:]...)
    return originalSlice

// Save the information to a file.
func writeToFile(pathInSystem string, content string) {
    // open the file and if its not there create one.
    filePath, err := os.OpenFile(pathInSystem, os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0644)
    if err != nil {
    // write the content to the file
    _, err = filePath.WriteString(content + "\n")
    if err != nil {
    // close the file

// Read and append to array
func readAndAppend(fileLocation string, arrayName []string) []string {
    file, err := os.Open(fileLocation)
    if err != nil {
    // scan the file, and read the file
    scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)
    // split each line
    // append each line to array
    for scanner.Scan() {
        arrayName = append(arrayName, scanner.Text())
    // close the file
    return arrayName

// Read the completed file, then delete any duplicates before saving it.
func makeEverythingUnique(contentLocation string) {
    var finalDomainList []string
    finalDomainList = readAndAppend(contentLocation, finalDomainList)
    // Make each domain one-of-a-kind.
    uniqueDomains := makeUnique(finalDomainList)
    // It is recommended that the array be deleted from memory.
    finalDomainList = nil
    // Sort the entire string.
    // Remove all the exclusions domains from the list.
    for _, content := range exclusionDomains {
        uniqueDomains = removeStringFromSlice(uniqueDomains, content)
    // Delete the original file and rewrite it.
    err = os.Remove(contentLocation)
    if err != nil {
    // Begin composing the document
    for _, content := range uniqueDomains {
        writeToFile(contentLocation, content)
    // remove it from memory
    uniqueDomains = nil

// Clean up the exclusions because users may have altered them.
func finalCleanup(filePath string) {
    var finalCleanupContent []string
    finalCleanupContent = readAndAppend(filePath, finalCleanupContent)
    // Make each domain one-of-a-kind.
    uniqueExclusionContent := makeUnique(finalCleanupContent)
    // It is recommended that the array be deleted from memory.
    finalCleanupContent = nil
    // Remove the original file before rewriting it.
    err = os.Remove(filePath)
    if err != nil {
    for _, content := range uniqueExclusionContent {
        writeToFile(filePath, content)
    // Get as much free memoey as possible from the system.
    uniqueExclusionContent = nil

// Download a file in your system
func writeHostFile(configPath string, filePath string) {
    // Scraped data is read and appended to an array.
    var returnContent []string
    returnContent = readAndAppend(configPath, returnContent)
    // Remove the original file before rewriting it.
    if fileExists(filePath) {
        err = os.Remove(filePath)
        if err != nil {
    for _, content := range returnContent {
        trimmedContent := strings.TrimSpace(content)
        contentToWrite := fmt.Sprintln("", trimmedContent)
        writeToFile(configPath, contentToWrite)
    // Get as much free memoey as possible from the system.
    returnContent = nil

// Write the inclusion without validating it.
func copyContentFromOneFileToAnother(originalFilePath string, newFilePath string) {
    var originalContent []string
    originalContent = readAndAppend(originalFilePath, originalContent)
    for _, content := range originalContent {
        writeToFile(newFilePath, content)

Code has not been tested. August 25, 2021 12:44:55