complexorganizations / humans-database

❤️ A comprehensive, open-source platform aggregating detailed human profiles globally. Designed for universal access to structured human data.
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Add all the data from the legal aid society #1

Open Prajwal-Koirala opened 6 months ago

Prajwal-Koirala commented 6 months ago

Prajwal-Koirala commented 6 months ago

Get all records from NYPD, and everyone else and publish all records.

Prajwal-Koirala commented 6 months ago

Auto convert data from csv to json using this tool CSV2JSON

Prajwal-Koirala commented 6 months ago
➜  police-database git:(main) find . -type f -exec du -h {} +
 32K    ./NYPD/roster/roster.yml
 17M    ./NYPD/roster/roster.csv
 43M    ./NYPD/roster/roster.json
168K    ./NYPD/co/co.json
4.0K    ./NYPD/co/co.yml
108K    ./NYPD/co/co.csv
9.1M    ./NYPD/da_judicial/da_judicial.json
5.8M    ./NYPD/da_judicial/da_judicial.csv
4.0K    ./NYPD/da_judicial/da_judicial.yml
2.0M    ./NYPD/nypd_internal/nypd_internal.csv
4.0K    ./NYPD/nypd_internal/nypd_internal.yml
3.4M    ./NYPD/nypd_internal/nypd_internal.json
4.0K    ./NYPD/lawsuits/lawsuits.yml
4.0K    ./NYPD/lawsuits/lawsuits.csv
 29M    ./NYPD/ccrb/ccrb.csv
 99M    ./NYPD/ccrb/ccrb.json
 40K    ./NYPD/ccrb/ccrb.yml
4.0K    ./NYPD/payroll_historical/payroll_2010_2019.yml
177M    ./NYPD/payroll_historical/payroll_2000_2009.json
 58M    ./NYPD/payroll_historical/payroll_2010_2019.csv
 61M    ./NYPD/payroll_historical/payroll_2000_2009.csv
4.0K    ./NYPD/payroll_historical/payroll_2000_2009.yml
176M    ./NYPD/payroll_historical/payroll_2010_2019.json
4.0K    ./NYPD/payroll/payroll.yml
 56M    ./NYPD/payroll/payroll.json
 20M    ./NYPD/payroll/payroll.csv
272K    ./NYPD/media/media.csv
 12K    ./NYPD/media/media.yml
368K    ./NYPD/media/media.json
4.0K    ./
4.0K    ./LAPD/
4.0K    ./.gitattributes
Prajwal-Koirala commented 6 months ago

Here are three ways to list all files and their sizes in a directory on macOS:

1. Using ls command:

ls -l <directory_path>

This command will list all files and directories in the specified directory, along with their sizes, permissions, owners, and modification dates. The -l option provides a long listing format that includes the files sizes.

2. Using find command:

find <directory_path> -type f -exec du -h {} +

This command will find all regular files (files not directories) in the specified directory and use the du command to print their sizes in human-readable format. The -exec option allows you to execute a command on each file found by find.

3. Using stat command:

stat -f "%N %s" <directory_path>/*

This command will use the stat command to get the file name and size of each file in the directory and print them in a single line. The -f option allows you to specify the format of the output.

Here are some additional options you can use with these commands:

For example, the following command will list all files and their sizes in human-readable format, recursively, sorted by size:

find <directory_path> -type f -exec du -h {} + | sort -n

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

Prajwal-Koirala commented 6 months ago

Prajwal-Koirala commented 5 months ago