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Automating Parking Lot Mapping: The Need for an Engine at Parking United #1

Open Prajwal-Koirala opened 1 year ago

Prajwal-Koirala commented 1 year ago

Parking United is in need of an engine that can automate the process of extracting information from .srt files and mapping it with pre-defined coordinates. This engine would be able to scan the .srt files and determine the location of each parking lot mentioned in the file. Once the location is identified, the engine would be able to match it with the pre-defined coordinates in the map.

By automating this process, Parking United can save a significant amount of time and resources that would have been required to manually search and map each parking lot location. Additionally, having an automated system would reduce the chances of errors or inaccuracies that could arise from human error.

Overall, an engine that can automatically scrape .srt files and map parking lot locations with pre-defined coordinates would greatly improve the efficiency and accuracy of Parking United's parking management system.