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Use Jupyter Notebook to Analyze Images #23

Open Prajwal-Koirala opened 9 months ago

Prajwal-Koirala commented 9 months ago

Issue Description

As part of our project, we need to perform image analysis using Jupyter Notebook to extract meaningful information from images. This could involve tasks such as image classification, object detection, or text extraction from images.



Additional Information

Expected Outcome

Related Issues or References



Feel free to discuss any ideas, suggestions, or questions related to this task in the comments below. Let's work together to achieve our image analysis goals using Jupyter Notebook!

Prajwal-Koirala commented 9 months ago

You can install Jupyter Notebook on macOS by following these steps:

Step 1: Install Python (if not already installed)

macOS typically comes with Python preinstalled, but it's recommended to use a package manager like Homebrew to manage your Python environment. If you don't have Homebrew installed, you can install it by following the instructions at

Once you have Homebrew, you can install Python 3 with the following command:

brew install python

Step 2: Install pip (Python package manager)

You should already have pip installed if you're using Python 3. You can check the version with:

pip3 --version

If it's not installed, you can install it using easy_install:

sudo easy_install pip

Step 3: Install Jupyter Notebook

Now that you have Python and pip installed, you can install Jupyter Notebook using pip:

pip3 install jupyter

Step 4: Launch Jupyter Notebook

To launch Jupyter Notebook, open your terminal and run the following command:

jupyter notebook

This will start the Jupyter Notebook server and open a new browser window or tab displaying the Jupyter Notebook dashboard.

Step 5: Create a New Jupyter Notebook

From the Jupyter Notebook dashboard, you can create a new Jupyter Notebook by clicking the "New" button and selecting a Python kernel. You can now start writing and executing Python code in your notebook.

That's it! You have successfully installed Jupyter Notebook on macOS and can start using it for data analysis, coding, and more.