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Two Pipelines for Efficient Data Processing: Reko on Collected Data and Auto-Adding Required Data to the Database #5

Open Prajwal-Koirala opened 1 year ago

Prajwal-Koirala commented 1 year ago

Pipeline 1: Reko on All Collected Data Live and Post-Processing

Step 1: Data Collection The first step in this pipeline is to collect the data that needs to be processed. This could be any type of data, depending on the specific application. For example, it could be image or video data collected from cameras, or it could be text data collected from social media feeds.

Step 2: Data Preprocessing Once the data has been collected, it needs to be preprocessed in order to prepare it for analysis. This step might involve cleaning the data, transforming it into a different format, or filtering out irrelevant information.

Step 3: Live Analysis with Reko The next step is to run Reko on the collected data in real-time. Reko is an image and video analysis tool that can detect and analyze various objects, people, and activities in real-time. This step involves configuring and running Reko on the collected data streams.

Step 4: Post-Processing After the live analysis is complete, the results need to be post-processed. This step could involve filtering out false positives, aggregating results across multiple data streams, or combining the results with other data sources.

Step 5: Output Generation Finally, the pipeline needs to generate output based on the post-processed results. This could include visualizations, reports, or alerts that notify relevant stakeholders of detected events or activities.

Pipeline 2: Auto Add Required Data to the Database

Step 1: Data Collection The first step in this pipeline is to collect data that needs to be added to the database. This could be any type of data, such as customer information or sensor readings.

Step 2: Data Validation Before the data is added to the database, it needs to be validated to ensure that it meets certain criteria. For example, it might need to be checked for missing or invalid values, or it might need to be checked against predefined rules.

Step 3: Data Transformation Once the data has been validated, it may need to be transformed into a different format in order to be compatible with the database schema. This step could involve converting data types, reformatting data, or splitting data across multiple tables.

Step 4: Database Interaction The next step is to interact with the database to add the data. This step involves connecting to the database, executing SQL queries, and handling any errors or exceptions that may occur.

Step 5: Post-Processing After the data has been added to the database, it may need to be post-processed in order to ensure data consistency and integrity. This step could involve performing additional validation checks, updating related data, or generating reports.

Step 6: Output Generation Finally, the pipeline needs to generate output based on the results of the data processing. This could include notifications, reports, or alerts that notify relevant stakeholders of data changes or errors.