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Build error when building edh tooling #3

Closed cdfa closed 4 months ago

cdfa commented 6 months ago

I get the following error from build edh tooling in the gitpod workspace:

edh                  > /workspace/edh-universe/e-wrks/edh/host.hs/src/Language/Edh/Batteries.hs:166:13: error:
edh                  >     • No instance for (Catch.MonadCatch (Haskeline.InputT IO))
edh                  >         arising from a use of ‘Catch.catch’
edh                  >     • In the expression: Catch.catch (readLines initialLines)
edh                  >       In the expression:
edh                  >         Catch.catch (readLines initialLines)
edh                  >           $ \case
edh                  >               UserInterrupt -> startOver
edh                  >               ex -> throw ex
edh                  >       In an equation for ‘readInput’:
edh                  >           readInput !ps1 !ps2 !initialLines
edh                  >             = Catch.catch (readLines initialLines)
edh                  >                 $ \case
edh                  >                     UserInterrupt -> startOver
edh                  >                     ex -> throw ex
edh                  >             where
edh                  >                 startOver
edh                  >                   = Catch.catch (readLines [])
edh                  >                       $ \case
edh                  >                           UserInterrupt -> startOver
edh                  >                           ex -> throw ex
edh                  >                 parsePasteSpec :: Parsec Void Text (Int, Int, Text)
edh                  >                 parsePasteSpec
edh                  >                   = do space
edh                  >                        ....
edh                  >                 recvPaste :: Text -> Haskeline.InputT IO (Maybe EdhInput)
edh                  >                 ....
edh                  >     |
edh                  > 166 |             Catch.catch (readLines initialLines) $ \case
edh                  >     |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
edh                  > 
edh                  > /workspace/edh-universe/e-wrks/edh/host.hs/src/Language/Edh/Batteries.hs:170:27: error:
edh                  >     • No instance for (Catch.MonadCatch (Haskeline.InputT IO))
edh                  >         arising from a use of ‘Catch.catch’
edh                  >     • In the expression: Catch.catch (readLines [])
edh                  >       In the expression:
edh                  >         Catch.catch (readLines [])
edh                  >           $ \case
edh                  >               UserInterrupt -> startOver
edh                  >               ex -> throw ex
edh                  >       In an equation for ‘startOver’:
edh                  >           startOver
edh                  >             = Catch.catch (readLines [])
edh                  >                 $ \case
edh                  >                     UserInterrupt -> startOver
edh                  >                     ex -> throw ex
edh                  >     |
edh                  > 170 |               startOver = Catch.catch (readLines []) $ \case
edh                  >     |                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
complyue commented 6 months ago

Root cause is some pkg has been updated to work with stackage lts 21.25, but the gitpod env stays at lts 16.31.

Updated the gitpod stuff, but blocked by so far.

complyue commented 4 months ago

Fixed by #4 , thanks to @axonasif !