compomics / COSS

COSS: CompOmics Spectral Searching
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Peptide sequence and modification locations are not updated for decoys #9

Open hbarsnes opened 4 years ago

hbarsnes commented 4 years ago

When generating decoy spectra the peptide sequence and modification locations are not updated. Thus the spectrum returned by com.compomics.coss.controller.decoyGeneration.GetDecoySpectrum will have the same peptide sequence and modifications as the target spectrum, which makes it impossible to separate the two in downstream post-processing.

Genet-Abay commented 4 years ago

Thanks again for this information. Now I have updated the sequence and modification information for the decoy spectra library generated. While decoy generation using random sequence has still an issue which I still need to figure out, the reverse sequence method works perfectly. Sine no big difference between the two decoy generation methods you can use reverse sequence method for the time being.

hbarsnes commented 4 years ago

Thanks! I will test as soon as the issue with the missing rows in the text export has been solved: