compomics / compomics-utilities

Open source Java library for computational proteomics
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After holidays, SearchGUI & PeptideShaker don't work #28

Closed microalgues closed 6 years ago

microalgues commented 6 years ago

screenshot from 2018-04-11 13-55-52 screenshot from 2018-04-11 13-53-56 Hello, I have been using SearchGUI & PeptideShaker for some time, last time was past week. Everything worked properly, but now I can not run SearchGUI. Start search button doesn't highligh and I cannot edit Search settings. PeptideShaker doesn't import proyects, even tutorial example. Do you have any idea? Could be beacause of operative system actualizations? I have reinstall both softwares but nothing. Thanks, Xavier

hbarsnes commented 6 years ago

Hi Xavier,

It's probably related to this issue: Could you try the suggested fix and see if that solves the problem?

Best regards, Harald

microalgues commented 6 years ago

Hello Harald, Thanks for the reply. After deleting ptmFactory-4.12.1.json file, SearchGUI & PeptideShaker work perfectly ( Best wishes, Xavier