component / reactive

Tiny reactive template engine
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reactive-next #118

Closed defunctzombie closed 10 years ago

defunctzombie commented 10 years ago


This PR is for tracking progress on what will become reactive v1 (once all parties have agreed and code is in a happy place). Lots of this will be lessons learned and code I have already written in a different branch that I will port over to this one cleanly. Ordered by what should be done to make items further down possible.

If you would like to see additional features, please comment on them here and if accepted I will add to the list for v1 target.

defunctzombie commented 10 years ago

@visionmedia @MatthewMueller @ianstormtaylor @anthonyshort

As I am looking through these changes and the current codebase, I am questioning the need for Reactive#use and instead leaning towards a single options object to the Reactive constructor. Having a fluent api for the initial setup doesn't make sense here since we do the initialization once and bind on creation. So the .use has limited appeal to me. The alternative is to have some sort of .end like function which would actually trigger binding to occur or something.

One advantage I see to this is lazy-loaded instances where a user wouldn't call .end (or whatever it is named) until they are actually ready to render/display; but you can do that now by not instantiating anyhow. Having a .end does mean tho that a newly created Reactive instance is useless and won't do anything without a .end call. I dislike this because it just makes it that much more annoying to use in the simple case. Without a .end, we are back to the options object to pass things like custom Bindings, Adapters, etc. I like the idea of some sort of options object existing anyhow, the question is just where and how to include it in the workflow. One thing that I know for sure is that a Reactive instance needs to have the dom element (or string) to render. Everything else is optional (model, views, bindings).

ianstormtaylor commented 10 years ago

hmm, -1 from what i can tell because i'm usually against options objects at all if its possible not to use them. having it fluent for plugins is much nicer IMO. options objects tend to just get filled up with junk just because its easy to add options to them

i think @anthonyshort had a nice api in one of these other issues