componentjs / builder2.js

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Rewrite url example #76

Closed vmariano closed 10 years ago

vmariano commented 10 years ago

Hi, I'm trying to migrate component from 0.9 to 1.0.0. We made a great progress with the css/stylus files but we have a little issue with the assets. In to the target folder the assets are located <local components folder>/<component with assets>/images/image.jpg I was looking for an example of url rewriting for css/stylus or some to specify the absolute path in to the build folder. Sorry if is a stupid question but I'm really lost with this.

sachalifs commented 10 years ago

Yes, the code we are trying to migrate is here nodejs-starter

And the file which does the actual build is in bin/njs-build for the moment. We have a component.json file at the root of the app which has a path: lib and local: boot which is the main component.

But in lib/boot/index.jade we have to include the boot component this way: require('./lib/boot') instead of this: require('boot') as we think it should be, as it is relative to the lib directory. Same goes for assets, they are copied in public/lib/boot/images/bg.jpg instead of public/boot/images/bg.jpg.

What are we missing?

wryk commented 10 years ago

I just look over your project and I found this :

local was renamed to locals since component v1 => changelog

vmariano commented 10 years ago

I rename local to locals and still have the same issue.

sachalifs commented 10 years ago

I have updated it in but still same results.

Every js is aliased like

require.register("./lib/homepage", function (exports, module) {

 * Module dependencies.

var page = require('visionmedia~page.js@1.3.7');
var domify = require('component~domify@1.2.2');
var empty = require('yields~empty@0.0.1');
var splash = require('./lib/homepage/splash.jade');

page('/', function(ctx, next) {
  var container = document.querySelector('');


Insead of

require.register("homepage", function (exports, module) {

And every asset is copied to public/ under public/lib/boot/images/bg.jpg for example, instead of public/boot/images/bg.jpg

timaschew commented 10 years ago

I think this just changed as well, but was not listed in the change log @jonathanong can you confirm that it was desired to change the require and assets paths?

sachalifs commented 10 years ago

ok, so... the app.js is being built correctly with the

require.register("./lib/homepage", function (exports, module) {

But when I'm writing a .styl file for example this one:

In the resulting app.css after building I get background: url("images/bg.jpg") top center fixed; Instead of background: url("/lib/boot/images/bg.jpg") top center fixed;

timaschew commented 10 years ago

you need to use the css rewrite builder plugin

vmariano commented 10 years ago

Ok to clarify this I was using:


And no one of this works in my local environment. @slifszyc try in his environment and works perfectly. So idk what happen.

thanks for the help guys.

timaschew commented 10 years ago

what is your environment? maybe component 0.19 ?

vmariano commented 10 years ago

No , 1.0.0@rc5 Also my environment was clone of the environment of @slifszyc I will take a look more deeply to understand what happen.