componentjs / spec

Component specs
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bundles #48

Closed jonathanong closed 10 years ago

jonathanong commented 10 years ago

easy with the resolver. i'm thinking of this:

Each bundle must be a local component. Bundles are defined in your component.json as:

  "bundles": [<boot>, <bundle>, <bundle>, <bundle>]

Although bundle names must be local components, you do not have to define them again in locals, but you still need paths. this would be annoying. in fact, bundles should replace locals.

The first bundle, <boot> will be assumed to be the "initial" bundle that includes require(). There will also be a build called common that will include all the common dependencies/locals of all the non-boot bundles.


  "bundles": ["bundle-boot", "bundle-user", "bundle-user-settings"]

will create the builds:


so visitors should only load bundle-boot. users would load common and bundle-user. users on the settings page will additionally load bundle-user-settings.

this is the simplest case i can think of, and it should handle 99% of cases. any other use-cases will require the user to use the JS API themselves.

ianstormtaylor commented 10 years ago

I think this is too opinionated for the spec, but it could be completely fine as a cli plugin. The way we bundle stuff is different so this wouldn't handle our use case. I think we'd need to experiment more as a community before know what should be standardized here. Separate component builds sounds like a better solution to me

jonathanong commented 10 years ago

naw not doing cli plugin. easier just to implement all the logic yourself in < 10 lines. this is just simplest case i can think of.

i don't expect it to handle all cases, but it should be simple enough for people to not complain that component can't bundle.

ianstormtaylor commented 10 years ago

i haven't heard people complaining about that being our biggest issue. i'm very -1 including something in the spec just because it can be written in 10 lines, especially if its already not expected to handle all cases. if anything a 10 line plugin is exactly the kind of plugin i like..

jonathanong commented 10 years ago

It's an amd vs cjs issue, not component.

This isn't something for people like us who can JS API around everything, but a stepping stone to the JS api for new users once they want something more complicated than the cli.

jonathanong commented 10 years ago

Actually I'm -1 now for any bundling tool because of docs and support issues. Let's just hope people are smart enough to make a blog post or wiki on it or something.