components / foundation

Shim repository for Foundation.
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Packagist does not have specific version #7

Closed hjr3 closed 11 years ago

hjr3 commented 11 years ago only lists dev-master. I did tag 4.1.2 on my git repo. I thought this was sufficient for packagist to pick up the version. Is there something else that needs to be done?

RobLoach commented 11 years ago

Interesting... Just added the Github service hook. What username do you have on packagist? I'll add you in there as a maintainer. You'll have to push the tag forwards though...

$ git tag 4.1.2
$ git push origin 4.1.2
hjr3 commented 11 years ago

hjr3 on packagist.

RobLoach commented 11 years ago

@hjr3 If you create and push the tag the tag to components/foundation, it should automatically appear on Packagist.

hjr3 commented 11 years ago


RobLoach commented 11 years ago

Yay! Thanks a lot. Looks great.