Issues are reserved for actionable bug reports and feature requests.
Before opening an issue, search for similar bug reports or feature requests.
If no similar issue can be found, fill out either the "Bug Report" or the "Feature Request" section below.
Erase the other section and everything on and above this line.
Please note, the quickest way to fix a bug is to open a Pull Request.
var sink = elasticsearch({
"uri": 'http://elastic123:123123@~~~~~~~~:9200/total_web'
"timeout": "1000s", // defaults to 30s
// "aws_access_key": "ABCDEF", // used for signing requests to AWS Elasticsearch service
// "aws_access_secret": "ABCDEF" // used for signing requests to AWS Elasticsearch service
// "parent_id": "elastic_parent" // defaults to "elastic_parent" parent identifier for Elasticsearch
Issues are reserved for actionable bug reports and feature requests.
Before opening an issue, search for similar bug reports or feature requests. If no similar issue can be found, fill out either the "Bug Report" or the "Feature Request" section below. Erase the other section and everything on and above this line.
Please note, the quickest way to fix a bug is to open a Pull Request.
Bug report
context deadline exceeded
Relevant pipeline.js:
var source = mongodb({ //"uri": "${MONGODB_URI}" "uri": 'mongodb://localhost/total_web' "timeout": "3600s", // "tail": false, // "ssl": false, // "cacerts": ["/path/to/cert.pem"], // "wc": 1, // "fsync": false, // "bulk": false, // "collection_filters": "{}", // "read_preference": "Primary" })
var sink = elasticsearch({ //"uri": "${ELASTICSEARCH_URI}" "uri": 'http://elastic123:123123@~~~~~~~~:9200/total_web' "timeout": "1000s", // defaults to 30s // "aws_access_key": "ABCDEF", // used for signing requests to AWS Elasticsearch service // "aws_access_secret": "ABCDEF" // used for signing requests to AWS Elasticsearch service // "parent_id": "elastic_parent" // defaults to "elastic_parent" parent identifier for Elasticsearch })
t.Source("source", source, "/./").Save("sink", sink, "/./")
System info:
Reproducible Steps:
What did you expect to happened?
mongoDB to ElasticSearch data transfer
What actually happened?
"context deadline exceeded" error message appeared. "timeout reached waiting for out channels to clear path = source"
Feature Request
Opening a feature request kicks off a discussion.