composer / composer

Dependency Manager for PHP
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Comment to Ukraine defacement #10837

Closed kolbma closed 2 years ago

kolbma commented 2 years ago

Because my #10831 got locked I have to create a new one.

1st this was no joke, but hackers use defacements and this looks like one and there is no info on the websites about this political statement in code!

2nd this broke my CI and I have to modify it.

3rd if you don't want to handle political critics then don't make political statements

Seldaek commented 2 years ago

1st yes well sorry, adding info on the website etc takes time too, resources are limited 2nd sorry but at the same time if that breaks CI I think IMO you did something wrong and maybe it's good you get a chance to fix it. 3rd I have had to close many such issues from random russians complaining in various levels of politeness, so I stopped discussing a while back and just close and lock now. Again here, resources are limited

kolbma commented 2 years ago

@Seldaek Well it did what it should do, detecting a change in downloading dependencies. Maybe you are simply doing childish stuff and do not handle in the responsibility you should do, when providing such a service.

Seldaek commented 2 years ago

Yeah except that any new feature like adding/changing some output of the install/update command would break your CI too, so it's not just "childish stuff". Hence why I think this is not great design for a CI check.

We do offer the lock file to guarantee dependencies are always the same. And/or composer show --format=json if you want to see what is installed in a machine readable form.

politsin commented 1 year ago
git clone --branch 2.5.4  ~/composer-build && \
    composer install  -o -d ~/composer-build && \
    wget -q -O ~/composer-build/composer.patch  && \
    cd ~/composer-build && patch -p1 < composer.patch && \
    php -d phar.readonly=0 bin/compile && \
    rm /usr/local/bin/composer && \
    php composer.phar install && \
    php composer.phar update && \
    mv ~/composer-build/composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer && \
    rm -rf ~/composer-build  && \
    chmod +x /usr/local/bin/composer
EliasToftHansen commented 1 year ago

I totally agree with the reporter. Why should politics be injected into everything? If I don't "stand with ukraine" I am not allowed to use composer? I am not russian btw. I don't have a problem with Ukraine existing, I DO have a problem with the politics from the west revolving around Ukraine. We just had a three year long pandemic crisis that absolutely wrecked economies of countries all around the world, and now military industrial complexes around the world rile up "do gooders" and ideologes to another round of milking states. Give us a break please.

If you "StandWIthUkraine" in your software, you are honestly on the wrong side of history. The side that supports unconditional spending of tax-payer money on deadly weapons of mass destruction, to a nation which is known for their neo nazi para military groups. (Azov etc) as well as renowned for their high levels of corruption.

I stand with Peace, not an endless proxy war at the expense of taxpayers.

Winfle commented 1 year ago

@EliasToftHansen you're just pro-russian troll on github and that's it, embraced

thenexxuz commented 1 year ago

I just wish there was a way to "opt out" or better yet "opt in" to seeing YOUR personal opinions in MY console. I appreciate the work you've done with these projects but do we really need to have this shoved in our faces EVERYWHERE we go, even the command line!? I get it, you believe one thing, but that doesn't mean everyone needs to hear about it. Imagine if every time you needed to run grep it said "Stop Concentration Camps in China" ... the fact that China has them is bad. Period. I don't need the reminder when searching for a file. The same is true here. Putin is an a*****e and shouldn't be invading Ukraine. Period. I don't need to see it when adding a package to my project.