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Unreproducible failure in Unicode.Stream test suite #2699

Open harendra-kumar opened 5 months ago

harendra-kumar commented 5 months ago

On GHC-8.6.5, in a PR based on 5d096dfad


  1) Unicode.Stream, UTF8 - Encoding / Decoding, Arrays Streamly.Data.String.lines == Prelude.lines
       Assertion failed (after 766 tests):
      zipAsyncly Compose three - empty in the middle [✔]

  To rerun use: --match "/Unicode.Stream/UTF8 - Encoding / Decoding/Arrays Streamly.Data.String.lines == Prelude.lines/" --seed 1380626044
        +++ OK, passed 100 tests.

Randomized with seed 1380626044

The relevant test is:

testLinesArray :: Property
testLinesArray =
    forAll genWord8 $ \list ->
        monadicIO $ do
            xs <- Stream.toList
                    $ fmap A.toList
                    $ AS.splitOnSuffix 10
                    $ Stream.fromPure (A.fromList list)
            assert (xs == map (map (fromIntegral . ord))
                              (lines (map (chr .  fromIntegral) list)))

Could be an issue with AS.splitOnSuffix?

{-# INLINE splitOnSuffix #-}
    :: (MonadIO m)
    => Word8
    -> Stream m (Array Word8)
    -> Stream m (Array Word8)
splitOnSuffix = Array.compactOnByteSuffix
{-# INLINE compactOnByteSuffix #-}
    :: (MonadIO m)
    => Word8
    -> Stream m (Array Word8)
    -> Stream m (Array Word8)
compactOnByteSuffix byte =
    fmap unsafeFreeze . MA.compactOnByteSuffix byte . fmap unsafeThaw
{-# INLINE compactOnByteSuffix #-}
    :: (MonadIO m)
    => Word8
    -> Stream m (MutArray Word8)
    -> Stream m (MutArray Word8)
compactOnByteSuffix byte =
        -- XXX use spliceExp and rightSize?
            (\arr -> byteLength arr == 0) (breakOn byte) splice

breakOn uses unpinned pointer in memcpy, could it be because of that?