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Move back from capistrano target 'migrate' to 'prod' #186

Closed jameslzhu closed 5 years ago

jameslzhu commented 5 years ago



When the OCF upgraded its machines from Debian 8 (jessie) to 9 (stretch), it had a transition period for users on the old apphost ( to migrate their apps to the new apphost (

The idea was that we would get hkn-rails running simultaneously on both werewolves (jessie) and vampires (stretch), so when the OCF re-routed web traffic from werewolves to vampires, there would be no downtime.

When @jvperrin and I migrated hkn-rails, we created a separate capistrano target migrate, which would target the new apphost vampires in a separate deploy folder ~/hkn-rails/migrate/. (The previous deploy folder was ~/hkn-rails/prod.)

OCF setup

We implemented several workarounds in response to various issues arising from our specific setup on the OCF:

Past issues / workarounds

NFS, by itself, caused several issues:

Current tasks

Production deployment today involves checking out the migrate git branch, then deploying to the migrate target with:

bundle exec cap migrate deploy

We would like to return to checking out the master git branch, and deploying to prod; this reduces confusion for new contributors, and reduces redundancy in our config. This will require merging all of the changes on migrate into master, as well as updating the server-side configuration through ssh:

jameslzhu commented 5 years ago


We should probably put this somewhere in the wiki.