compsoc-edinburgh / website2016

The website for CompSoc Edinburgh
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About Page Content #4

Open hreeder opened 7 years ago

hreeder commented 7 years ago

The About Page is again from the wayback machine, from 2013/14. This needs updating as well.

hreeder commented 7 years ago

The current content is as follows:

Hello and Welcome to the Official University of Edinburgh CompSoc About Page!

We are The University of Edinburgh Computing Society and Artificial Intelligence Society, also more well known as CompSoc.

Compsoc is a student run, gigantic cooking pot of geeky people who have a healthy (yet more likely unhealthy) interest in Computing and Information techonologies. This does not mean that the society in only interested in the technologies, theories and practice of Computing or how Cloud computing is just a marketing tool for a technology thats existed a lot longer. CompSoc is also concerned with the impact of computing and information technologies to the general public as a whole.

The society also encourages and provides support to those who want to collaborate with other peers and staff to realize their extracurricular projects and papers. These individuals and groups become SIGs (Special Interest Group). Even inside of The University of Edinburgh's informatics curriculum we try to provide support to students (especially those in first year) in line with their semester studies with special workshops provided by peers in CompSoc. For example: Last year we ran a midnight haskell session from 12-4 in the morning to get ready for an exam the next morning, and attendees felt that they did much better because of it. Moreover we have a Cascaders program in which you can approach any Cascaders Participant in Appleton Tower when you find them carrying a Plush Toy near their computer signifying their expertise (think Python for Python, Camel for Perl, Gandalf's hat for Lisp) as well as a SIG that is going to work on the webclient for Cascaders.

We also run a Student Tech Meet Up (STMU) monthly to invite industry experts, and starting this year, academia from the University Informatics Department to give talks on current issues and new tchnologies. There's also free pizza for everyone at this event. Always. Moreover committee members, SIGs, members of CompSoc are welcome to give talk in our STMU's as well. Many topics are allowed as topics of talks and can widely differ from the norm as well. For example, presentations on design patterns, XProgramming, and business psychology in the software market may be given by peers in CompSoc

In the end we also love our traditional Hackathons to test our skill and valor in battle, for glory, street cred and loot.

It isn't all talks, keyboards and screens however. We run a pub social every other week, with the week in-between spent working on SIG projects and running events with our friends in GameDevSoc, Hoppers, and the Game Society. Not to forget: that we have other special events lined up that one shouldn't miss as these may form integral parts of your university memories.

So in summary:

  1. Meeting place for like-minded individuals with vastly different skillsets and opinions to make friends with
  2. Support for to those who want to take part in extracurricular activities. (SIGs)
  3. Workshops and Informal Lectures for first years in need of extra help especially outside normal hours provided
  4. Cascaders
  5. Student Tech Meet Up to meet up with those in industry and from our University's brilliant department to learn some cool stuff or look for career opportunities
  6. Hackathons to test your mettle against your peers for glory (people have gotten jobs from this, and some even created their own start-ups!
  7. Pub Socials and SIGs on a weekly basis
  8. Special co-op events with our friends in GameDevSoc, Hoppers, and GameSoc
  9. Other awesome events planned along the year.
  10. Another 10th reason to get your fingers stretched out counting the reasons to join CompSoc

If you think you need technical/programming/informatics/blah skills to enjoy CompSoc you are wrong! we are open to anyone and everyone in the University of Edinburgh so dont be afraid to pop in and say hi!

-Your CompSoc Committee 2013-2014

neanias commented 7 years ago

Started rewriting the about page:

diff --git i/_pages/ w/_pages/
index 359139f..3c2b5c4 100644
--- i/_pages/
+++ w/_pages/
@@ -4,37 +4,28 @@ permalink: /about
 # Hello and Welcome to the Official University of Edinburgh CompSoc About Page!
 We are The University of Edinburgh Computing Society and Artificial Intelligence Society, also more well known as CompSoc.

-Compsoc is a student run, gigantic cooking pot of geeky people who have a healthy (yet more likely unhealthy) interest in Computing and Information techonologies. This does not mean that the society in only interested in the technologies, theories and practice of Computing or how Cloud computing is just a marketing tool for a technology thats existed a lot longer. CompSoc is also concerned with the impact of computing and information technologies to the general public as a whole.
+CompSoc is a student run, gigantic cooking pot of geeky people who have a healthy (yet more likely unhealthy) interest in Computing and Information technologies. This does not mean that the society is only interested in the technologies, theories and practice of Computing or how Cloud computing is just a marketing tool for a technology that's existed a lot longer. CompSoc is also concerned with the impact of computing and information technologies to the general public as a whole.

-The society also encourages and provides support to those who want to collaborate with other peers and staff to realize their extracurricular projects and papers. These individuals and groups become SIGs (Special Interest Group). Even inside of The University of Edinburgh's informatics curriculum we try to provide support to students (especially those in first year) in line with their semester studies with special workshops provided by peers in CompSoc. For example: Last year we ran a midnight haskell session from 12-4 in the morning to get ready for an exam the next morning, and attendees felt that they did much better because of it. Moreover we have a Cascaders program in which you can approach any Cascaders Participant in Appleton Tower when you find them carrying a Plush Toy near their computer signifying their expertise (think Python for Python, Camel for Perl, Gandalf's hat for Lisp) as well as a SIG that is going to work on the webclient for Cascaders.
+The society encourages and provides support to those who want to collaborate with peers and staff to realise their extracurricular projects and papers. These individuals and groups become SIGs (Special Interest Group). Even inside of The University of Edinburgh's informatics curriculum we try to provide support to students (especially those in first year) in line with their semester studies with special workshops provided by peers in CompSoc. For example: Last year we ran a midnight Haskell session from 12-4 in the morning to get ready for an exam the next morning, and attendees felt that they did much better because of it.

-* The compsoc github page is here.
+We also run a Student Tech Meet Up (STMU) monthly to invite industry experts, academia from the University Informatics Department, committee members, society members and many others to give talks on how/what/why they do. There's also free pizza and fizzy drinks at these events. Always. Many topics are allowed as topics of talks and can widely differ from the norm as well. For example, we have had presentations from companies like ARM, Bloomberg, Google, Microsoft and many more. In 2016, we had ARM come to show off (then beta) mbed OS as well as two students talk about how they set up their own ticketing company at university.

-* Cascaders repo here.
+In the end we also love our traditional Hackathons to test our skill and valour in battle, for glory, street cred and loot. We oft lead expeditions to other universities to claim their Hackathons in the name of CompSoc. (We sometimes even venture south across the border; woad and cries of 'Freeeeedoooommmmm!' optional.)

-* Dont forget to check out the KnowledgeBase!
-We also run a Student Tech Meet Up (STMU) monthly to invite industry experts, and starting this year, academia from the University Informatics Department to give talks on current issues and new tchnologies. There's also free pizza for everyone at this event. Always. Moreover committee members, SIGs, members of CompSoc are welcome to give talk in our STMU's as well. Many topics are allowed as topics of talks and can widely differ from the norm as well. For example, presentations on design patterns, XProgramming, and business psychology in the software market may be given by peers in CompSoc
-In the end we also love our traditional Hackathons to test our skill and valor in battle, for glory, street cred and loot.
-It isn't all talks, keyboards and screens however. We run a pub social every other week, with the week in-between spent working on SIG projects and running events with our friends in GameDevSoc, Hoppers, and the Game Society. Not to forget: that we have other special events lined up that one shouldn't miss as these may form integral parts of your university memories.
+It isn't all talks, keyboards and screens however. We regularly run socials, sometimes running events with our friends in GameDevSoc, Hoppers, GameSoc and even our eternal rivals - MathSoc. Not to forget: that we have other special events lined up that one shouldn't miss as these may form integral parts of your university memories!

 So in summary:

-1. Meeting place for like-minded individuals with vastly different skillsets and opinions to make friends with
+1. Meeting place for like-minded individuals with vastly different skill sets and opinions to make friends with
 2. Support for to those who want to take part in extracurricular activities. (SIGs)
 3. Workshops and Informal Lectures for first years in need of extra help especially outside normal hours provided
-4. Cascaders
-5. Student Tech Meet Up to meet up with those in industry and from our University's brilliant department to learn some cool stuff or look for career opportunities
-6. Hackathons to test your mettle against your peers for glory (people have gotten jobs from this, and some even created their own start-ups!
-7. Pub Socials and SIGs on a weekly basis
-8. Special co-op events with our friends in GameDevSoc, Hoppers, and GameSoc
-9. Other awesome events planned along the year.
-10. Another 10th reason to get your fingers stretched out counting the reasons to join CompSoc
+4. Student Tech Meet Up to meet up with those in industry and from our University's brilliant department to learn some cool stuff or look for career opportunities
+5. Hackathons to test your mettle against your peers for glory (people have wrangled jobs from this, and some even created their own start-ups!)
+6. Socials on a regular basis
+7. Special co-op events with our friends in Hoppers, GameSoc and Napier's CompSoc
+8. Other awesome events planned along the year.

-If you think you need technical/programming/informatics/blah skills to enjoy CompSoc you are wrong! we are open to anyone and everyone in the University of Edinburgh so dont be afraid to pop in and say hi!
+If you think you need technical/programming/informatics/blah skills to enjoy CompSoc you are wrong! We are open to anyone and everyone in the University of Edinburgh (even outwith!) so don't be afraid to pop in and say hi!

--Your CompSoc Committee 2013-2014
+-Your CompSoc Committee 2016-2017