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Breaks other payment processors #251

Open mattwire opened 4 years ago

mattwire commented 4 years ago

This extension seems to be far to intrusive and overrides too much. For example it replaces the "Cancel" link for all recurring contributions with a payment plan form. Which breaks cancellation within CiviCRM functionality for payment processors such as Stripe.

Can the extension be configured to only act on entities that it is managing?

omarabuhussein commented 3 years ago

hi @mattwire

sorry for the very late response, that is for sure unintended, but answering your question, we do actually have some kind of separation and we try to limit what the extension does to any payment processor that is based on a Payment processor type that implements the CiviCRM core Payment_Manual class. but since this extension customize the core functionality heavily, it is sometimes hard to do the separation, and sometimes we even want certain features to affect even normal payment processors. but for the Recur Contribution canceling case you mentioned, it is something that should be fixed, will try to fit it in our of our upcoming sprints.