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Membership Extras for CiviCRM
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IO-28: Add membership auto upgrade rules managment screen #303

Closed omarabuhussein closed 3 years ago

omarabuhussein commented 3 years ago


Adds a management screen to view membership automated upgrade rules with the ability to disable, enable, delete or edit anyone or change its order.


We had form to add upgrade rules and to edit them but can only be viewed by accessing the URL directly, and there was no place to view the list of rules added or to quickly disable/enable, edit or delete them.


A new management screen is added with action links to manage these rules, which is accessible from Administer >> CiviMember >> Membership automated upgrade rules menu item. the user should have "administer CiviCRM" permission to be able to access it or perform any operation on any rule.

2020-10-15 18_36_10-Settings - Cleanup Caches and Update Paths _ me4test6

2020-10-14 21_49_14-Window
