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Membership Extras for CiviCRM
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MAE-492: Fix membership end date after CiviCRM 5.35 update #368

Closed ahed-compucorp closed 3 years ago

ahed-compucorp commented 3 years ago


After updating to CiviCRM 5.35, If we created a payment plan membership with pending status, we found out that the end date will increase each time we recorded a new payment.


Recording a new payment will increase the membership end date. Peek 2021-03-12 21-12


Recording a new payment will not increase the membership end date. Peek 2021-03-12 20-47

Technical Details

This PR to CiviCRM core has the following change :

- $prevnext[] = $this->createElement('submit', $buttonName, $button['name'], $attrs);
+ $attrs['type'] = 'submit';
+ $prevnext[] = $this->createElement('xbutton', $buttonName, $button['name'], $attrs);

Instead of creating a button with the value "Record Payment" like this

<input class="crm-form-submit default validate" onclick="return verify( );" crm-icon="fa-check" name="_qf_AdditionalPayment_upload" value="Record Payment" type="submit" id="_qf_AdditionalPayment_upload">

It will create a button with the value "1" like this

<button class="crm-form-submit default validate crm-button crm-button-type-upload crm-button_qf_AdditionalPayment_upload" onclick="return verify( );" value="1" type="submit" name="_qf_AdditionalPayment_upload" id="_qf_AdditionalPayment_upload"><i aria-hidden="true" class="crm-i fa-check"></i> Record Payment</button>

And the condition here will be false

$isRecordPayment = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('_qf_AdditionalPayment_upload', 'String') === 'Record Payment';

The main point is to figure out if the submitted form is a record payment submission or refund submission and we can do that by checking the the variable _paymentType in the AdditionalPayment Form class and prepare it for MembershipEdit class.


Another potential solution is to alter the button attributes and inject the value "Record Payment" again like this

 * Implements hook_civicrm_buildForm().
function membershipextras_civicrm_buildForm($formName, &$form) {
  if ($formName == 'CRM_Contribute_Form_AdditionalPayment') {
    $buttons = $form->getElement('buttons');
    $elements = $buttons->getElements();
    $elements[0]->setValue("Record Payment");