computational-cell-analytics / micro-sam

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Question: openly available training materials? #616

Closed haesleinhuepf closed 1 month ago

haesleinhuepf commented 1 month ago

Hi @constantinpape ,

I'd like to talk about micro-sam in my teaching course at the university and I`m seaching for slides, I could possibly reuse. I would like to reshare them unter a CC-BY license (in this repository) and would of course acknowledge the original authors.

Are there slides about micro-sam available online, e.g. on Zenodo or F1000?

Big thanks!

Best, Robert

constantinpape commented 1 month ago

I have two presentations that I can share. (Have to double check later if I need to remove something but can share it in the evening.)

Are there slides about micro-sam available online, e.g. on Zenodo or F1000?

I can upload them to zenodo. What's the best practice, upload as pdf or as pptx?

haesleinhuepf commented 1 month ago

Fantastic @constantinpape !!

pptx would be great! I could then just copy-paste slides and figures. I also often upload PDFs as well, because these can be rendered as preview in zenodo.

constantinpape commented 1 month ago

I have uploaded two recent talks here:

haesleinhuepf commented 1 month ago

Fantastic, thanks so much @constantinpape ! 🤩