Running the test under identical conditions with the latest checked out master branch on my Macbook gives the incorrect answer on the STT calculations.
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ test_stt_dw _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
def test_stt_dw():
# We will crate a mesh with 1000 elements of 2x2x2 nm
# in the x direction, and 1 along y and z
# (so we have a 1D system)
mesh = Mesh(nx=1000, ny=1, nz=1,
dx=2, dy=2, dz=2.0,
# Relax the initial state. It will save the last state
# to the m0.npy file
m0_z = load_mz_npy('m0.npy')
x = np.arange(len(m0_z))
index_max = np.argmax(np.abs(m0_z))
assert x[index_max] == 225
assert np.abs(m0_z[index_max] - 0.705740362679) < 1e-8
# Excite the system for 1.5 ns
excite_system(mesh, 1.5, 151)
m0_z = load_mz_npy('dyn_npys/m_100.npy')
x = np.arange(len(m0_z))
# Check that the DW is at the 242th x-position in the 100th snapshot
> assert x[np.argmax(np.abs(m0_z))] == 242
E assert 972 == 242
../../../Git/fidimag/tests/ AssertionError
I noticed this by looking at the current driven Skyrmion notebook; the skyrmion was moving faster than it should have been...
Running the test under identical conditions with the latest checked out master branch on my Macbook gives the incorrect answer on the STT calculations.
I noticed this by looking at the current driven Skyrmion notebook; the skyrmion was moving faster than it should have been...