computer-aided-biotech / better-cb

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Case studies to include #14

Closed BenjaSanchez closed 2 years ago

BenjaSanchez commented 3 years ago

I think 2-3 case studies would probably be optimal, each with examples at all 3 scales. For instance:

@dcsoto what do you think?

dcsoto commented 3 years ago

Yes, I think we should include all those 3 examples! Each one highlights one aspect of computational biology. Of course, it's not a comprehensive list, but it will give readers a good set of "templates" that they can adapt for their own projects.

Find below some thoughts related to each one of these. My level of expertise is ranked as ★☆☆☆ (I know what you are talking about, but I have 0 experience on this), ★★☆☆ (I did it a long time ago, I need a huge refresh), ★★★☆ (I have experience on some aspect of this, in others I need a refresh), and ★★★★ (I got this!).

dcsoto commented 3 years ago

Food for thought: we could potentially include a Snakemake or Nextflow workflow within the "Analysis of NGS" section. It is important for working in a reproducible manner with large datasets. However, if the dataset is small, then other approaches are more time-efficient.

BenjaSanchez commented 3 years ago

Cool ideas! I have updated your comment with my own star rankings :) regarding genome-scale modeling:

we could potentially include a Snakemake or Nextflow workflow within the "Analysis of NGS" section

Yes totally, I was intending for that to be a part of the "higher levels" of NGS analysis studies ;)