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Part time Assholes. #352

Closed tef closed 9 years ago

tef commented 9 years ago

Despite my best attempts to have nothing to do with this anymore and hide under a rock, it has come to my attention that there is an awkward problem within IRC—Part time assholes.

By this I mean people who within ##computer are reasonably well behaved, but outside of computer less so. As much as I do not want to ostracise people for behaviour in other contexts, their presence within computer does not make it a safer or welcoming place for those who have been on the receiving end elsewhere.

My inclination is to ban people, personally, but there are no clear guidelines on what we should do, and how the ops can be sure they are doing the right thing, in a reasonably transparent way.


tef commented 9 years ago

@Jonty @DRMacIver @antifuchs @aurynn and anyone else relatively active

tef commented 9 years ago

Actually i have decided I don't care anymore and even trying to deal with this will burn me out.