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May I have a commit bit? #379

Closed llimllib closed 8 years ago

llimllib commented 8 years ago

You all have generally been great at merging my us_portland requests, but it'd be easier if I could just push them. I have no interest in editing anything else.

flowerhack commented 8 years ago

I'd actually tried to give you a commit bit a few months ago, but I don't seem to have the authority to do such a thing :(

@DRMacIver @ntlk @tef , any chance you could do this? (Also, if you'd feel comfortable with giving me an owner bit, I'd happily take care of stuff like this in the future; scout's honor that I will mostly continue to do what I've been doing :P)

tef commented 8 years ago


@flowerhack you should have owner priv,@llimllib you should have member priv

flowerhack commented 8 years ago

perfecto, thanks!

llimllib commented 8 years ago

Sorry to be a bother, but I'm not able to commit

DRMacIver commented 8 years ago

You should be able to now.