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Adding php-mysql package #135

Open finnlewis opened 7 years ago

finnlewis commented 7 years ago

which seems to be required by drush command line to prevent Error: Undefined class constant MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_CA

On a fresh install a couple of times recently, the first time I try to run drush I get the above error. A quick google and apt-get install php-mysql seems to fix it.

Not 100% clear why!

computerminds-jenkins commented 7 years ago

Can one of the admins verify this patch?

finnlewis commented 7 years ago

Hi @darthsteven ! Running drush on a fresh install raises questions about needing a few more php libraries. I see that on the command line I now have PHP (cli) (built: Jan 20 2017 09:43:29) ( NTS ) When running drush for the first time, I get the error above, resolved by installing php-mysql ( which I think installs php7.1-mysql.

I then ran into an error when running a site install, which seemed to be caused by missing php curl library.

Again, installing the php-curl package installed the php7.1-curl package and all was fine again.

Do we simply need to add all the php7.1 versions of the packages we install to ensure they are available to drush?

