computerminds / parrot

A vagrant VM for Drupal Development
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Fresh parrot install with PHP 5.5 is now failing (it worked before!) #95

Open finnlewis opened 9 years ago

finnlewis commented 9 years ago

Hi Steven!

We have previously successfully installed Parrot with PHP 5.5, but it now fails due to failed dependencies, we think with Apache2.

I'll add the rather long output from vagrant provision in case this helps:

==> default: Running provisioner: puppet...
==> default: Running Puppet with parrot.pp...
==> default: stdin: is not a tty
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Parrot_mysql/File[/var/]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}8ed219574cd2a96a729edde0c69c647f'
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Preseed_package::Requirements/File[/var/local/preseed]/ensure: created
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Solr::Packages/Package[java]/ensure: ensure changed 'purged' to 'present'
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Ntp/Package[ntp]/ensure: ensure changed '1:4.2.6.p3+dfsg-1ubuntu3.1' to '1:4.2.6.p3+dfsg-1ubuntu3.4'
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Ntp/File[/etc/ntp.conf]/content: content changed '{md5}32280703a4ba7aa1148c48895097ed07' to '{md5}6e3461437c627101cf53e634abc62400'
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Parrot_php/Host[host_machine.parrot]/ensure: created
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Parrot_php/User[host_user]/ensure: created
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]//Node[default]/Package[curl]/ensure: ensure changed 'purged' to 'present'
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Mailcollect/Package[postfix-pcre]/ensure: ensure changed 'purged' to 'present'
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Mailcollect/File[/home/vagrant/Maildir]/ensure: created
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Mailcollect/File[/home/vagrant/Maildir/cur]/ensure: created
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Mailcollect/File[/home/vagrant/Maildir/new]/ensure: created
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Mailcollect/File[/home/vagrant/Maildir/tmp]/ensure: created
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Mailcollect/Package[dovecot-imapd]/ensure: ensure changed 'purged' to 'present'
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Mailcollect/File[/etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-mail.conf]/content: content changed '{md5}ff2e40b74caa733ef06a00d45f3e8ae4' to '{md5}75f4e64d5621505e709670466c510723'
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Mailcollect/Exec[maildir-permissions]: Triggered 'refresh' from 3 events
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Mailcollect/File[/etc/postfix/virtual_forwardings.pcre]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}38d33239b196d90aa630080d18e3e8bd'
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Mailcollect/File[/etc/postfix/virtual_domains.pcre]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}87e64f14544b9a3de1a61feda4e14319'
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Mailcollect/File[/etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-auth.conf]/content: content changed '{md5}5477173c93a9b298b3e7e1f858140d2a' to '{md5}f497820bf009a263113cb20701e7c8d6'
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Mailcollect/Service[dovecot]: Triggered 'refresh' from 2 events
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Phpmyadmin/Package[phpmyadmin]/ensure: ensure changed 'purged' to 'present'
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Phpmyadmin/File[/etc/phpmyadmin/]/content: content changed '{md5}f5201f1a5c501d2f0bacc551d9bfedce' to '{md5}db3d08c163d47cd5d97d5b30bfca928f'
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Mailcollect/Augeas[postfix]/returns: executed successfully
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Mailcollect/Service[postfix]: Triggered 'refresh' from 3 events
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Solr_server/File[/opt/solr]/ensure: created
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Apache/Package[libapache2-mod-php5]/ensure: removed
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]//Node[default]/Package[vim]/ensure: ensure changed 'purged' to 'present'
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]//Node[default]/Package[vim-puppet]/ensure: ensure changed 'purged' to 'present'
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Oh_my_zsh/Oh_my_zsh::Install_for_user[root]/Package[git-core]/ensure: ensure changed 'purged' to 'present'
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Oh_my_zsh/Oh_my_zsh::Install_for_user[root]/Package[zsh]/ensure: ensure changed 'purged' to 'latest'
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Oh_my_zsh/Oh_my_zsh::Install_for_user[root]/Exec[chsh -s /usr/bin/zsh root]/returns: executed successfully
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Parrot_repos/Apt::Source[php5]/Apt::Key[Add key: E5267A6C from Apt::Source php5]/Exec[df83210b394e5618d854baf93e57a9aa52f580c5]/returns: executed successfully
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Parrot_repos/Apt::Source[varnish]/Apt::Key[Add key: C4DEFFEB from Apt::Source varnish]/Exec[6ca34b95aca0374d6d34bab4d4d3d91f080769e6]/returns: executed successfully
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Ntp/Service[ntp]: Triggered 'refresh' from 2 events
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Solr::Packages/Package[tomcat6]/ensure: ensure changed 'purged' to 'present'
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Solr::Files/Exec[download_solr]/returns: executed successfully
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Solr::Files/Exec[unpack_solr]/returns: executed successfully
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Solr::Files/Exec[copy_solr_libs]/returns: executed successfully
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Solr::Files/Exec[deploy_solr]/returns: executed successfully
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Solr::Config/File[solr home dir]/ensure: created
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Solr::Config/File[/etc/tomcat6/server.xml]/content: content changed '{md5}1733213f7f85c894ee210c14de6eddc1' to '{md5}a00b5ad7c2aad719f9e4c8fa6bc760b7'
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Solr::Config/File[/etc/tomcat6/server.xml]/owner: owner changed 'root' to 'tomcat6'
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Solr::Config/File[solr data dir]/ensure: created
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Solr::Config/Augeas[solr config]/returns: executed successfully
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Oh_my_zsh/Oh_my_zsh::Install_for_user[root]/Exec[clone_oh_my_zsh]/returns: executed successfully
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Oh_my_zsh/Oh_my_zsh::Install_for_user[root]/Exec[copy-zshrc]/returns: executed successfully
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Sudoers/Augeas[sudokeyforward]/returns: executed successfully
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Parrot_repos/Apt::Source[php5]/File[php5.list]/ensure: created
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Parrot_repos/Apt::Source[varnish]/File[varnish.list]/ensure: created
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Solr_server/File[solr home dir/solr.xml]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}761c6bb5835e14970adb8a92a5848d13'
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Solr_server/Solr_server::Solrcoresresource[00-drupal-solr-common]/Solr_server::Solrcore[00-drupal-solr-common]/File[solr home dir/00-drupal-solr-common]/ensure: created
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Solr_server/Solr_server::Solrcoresresource[00-drupal-solr-common]/Solr_server::Solrcore[00-drupal-solr-common]/File[solr home dir/00-drupal-solr-common/data]/ensure: created
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Solr_server/Solr_server::Solrcoresresource[00-drupal-solr-common]/Solr_server::Solrcore[00-drupal-solr-common]/File[solr home dir/00-drupal-solr-common/conf]/ensure: created
==> default: notice: /File[/opt/solr/home/00-drupal-solr-common/conf/elevate.xml]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}478306d7e70eb026bf7ddc6ba53b0509'
==> default: notice: /File[/opt/solr/home/00-drupal-solr-common/conf/schema.xml]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}1fcd6c2576cb9a9ad1adfa04b2ac7c7a'
==> default: notice: /File[/opt/solr/home/00-drupal-solr-common/conf/mapping-ISOLatin1Accent.txt]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}5db0a4665cc08fd30f782d6660e08db9'
==> default: notice: /File[/opt/solr/home/00-drupal-solr-common/conf/solrconfig.xml]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}7c44e8d8faa0196ebdc7db1bf87544b3'
==> default: notice: /File[/opt/solr/home/00-drupal-solr-common/conf/protwords.txt]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}037c7721c6eaf925911b4fdac29c6242'
==> default: notice: /File[/opt/solr/home/00-drupal-solr-common/conf/.DS_Store]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}194577a7e20bdcc7afbb718f502c134c'
==> default: notice: /File[/opt/solr/home/00-drupal-solr-common/conf/synonyms.txt]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}cef05c599743d5283bc5349bbea1e75c'
==> default: notice: /File[/opt/solr/home/00-drupal-solr-common/conf/stopwords.txt]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}b39cbd01f252ba46f2e324883555f2c7'
==> default: notice: /File[/opt/solr/home/00-drupal-solr-common/conf/]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}c250a4dee212a4de3d1c6d52d2d45374'
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Solr::Services/Service[tomcat6]: Triggered 'refresh' from 6 events
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Parrot_repos/Apt::Source[apache]/File[apache.list]/ensure: created
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Apt::Update/Exec[apt_update]: Triggered 'refresh' from 3 events
==> default: err: /Stage[main]/Parrot_php/Package[php5-mysql]/ensure: change from 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.19 to failed: Could not update: Execution of '/usr/bin/apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold install php5-mysql' returned 100: Reading package lists...
==> default: Building dependency tree...
==> default: Reading state information...
==> default: The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
==> default:   libt1-5 libgd2-xpm
==> default: Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.
==> default: The following extra packages will be installed:
==> default:   apache2 apache2-bin apache2-data apache2-utils libapache2-mod-php5filter
==> default:   libapr1 libaprutil1 libaprutil1-dbd-sqlite3 libaprutil1-ldap libedit2 libgd3
==> default:   libjson-c2 liblua5.1-0 libonig2 libqdbm14 libtiff4 libvpx1 php5-cli
==> default:   php5-common php5-gd php5-json php5-mcrypt
==> default: Suggested packages:
==> default:   www-browser apache2-doc apache2-suexec-pristine apache2-suexec-custom
==> default:   php-pear libgd-tools php5-user-cache
==> default: Recommended packages:
==> default:   php5-readline
==> default: The following NEW packages will be installed:
==> default:   apache2 apache2-bin apache2-data libgd3 libjson-c2 liblua5.1-0 libonig2
==> default:   libqdbm14 libtiff4 libvpx1 php5-json
==> default: The following packages will be upgraded:
==> default:   apache2-utils libapache2-mod-php5filter libapr1 libaprutil1
==> default:   libaprutil1-dbd-sqlite3 libaprutil1-ldap libedit2 php5-cli php5-common
==> default:   php5-gd php5-mcrypt php5-mysql
==> default: 12 upgraded, 11 newly installed, 0 to remove and 181 not upgraded.
==> default: Need to get 9373 kB of archives.
==> default: After this operation, 8365 kB of additional disk space will be used.
==> default: Get:1 precise/main libedit2 amd64 [101 kB]
==> default: Get:2 precise/main libapr1 amd64 [109 kB]
==> default: Get:3 precise-updates/main libtiff4 amd64 3.9.5-2ubuntu1.8 [145 kB]
==> default: Get:4 precise/main libaprutil1-ldap amd64 [18.6 kB]
==> default: Get:5 precise/main libaprutil1-dbd-sqlite3 amd64 [21.0 kB]
==> default: Get:6 precise/main libaprutil1 amd64 [97.7 kB]
==> default: Get:7 precise/main libgd3 amd64 [161 kB]
==> default: Get:8 precise/main apache2-bin amd64 [1017 kB]
==> default: Get:9 precise/main libvpx1 amd64 1.0.0-1 [269 kB]
==> default: Get:10 precise/main apache2-utils amd64 [203 kB]
==> default: Get:11 precise/main apache2-data all [163 kB]
==> default: Get:12 precise/main apache2 amd64 [208 kB]
==> default: Get:13 precise/main php5-mysql amd64 [84.1 kB]
==> default: Get:14 precise/main php5-mcrypt amd64 [17.2 kB]
==> default: Get:15 precise/main libjson-c2 amd64 [24.0 kB]
==> default: Get:16 precise/main libapache2-mod-php5filter amd64 [2777 kB]
==> default: Get:17 precise-updates/main liblua5.1-0 amd64 5.1.4-12ubuntu1.1 [172 kB]
==> default: Get:18 precise/universe libonig2 amd64 5.9.1-1 [147 kB]
==> default: Get:19 precise/main php5-gd amd64 [35.7 kB]
==> default: Get:20 precise/main php5-cli amd64 [2700 kB]
==> default: Get:21 precise/universe libqdbm14 amd64 1.8.78-1build2 [144 kB]
==> default: Get:22 precise/main php5-common amd64 [737 kB]
==> default: Get:23 precise/main php5-json amd64 [21.0 kB]
==> default: Fetched 9373 kB in 1s (4861 kB/s)
==> default: (Reading database ... 60571 files and directories currently installed.)
==> default: Preparing to replace libedit2 2.11-20080614-3ubuntu2 (using .../ ...
==> default: Unpacking replacement libedit2 ...
==> default: Preparing to replace libapr1 1.4.6-1 (using .../ ...
==> default: Unpacking replacement libapr1 ...
==> default: Preparing to replace libaprutil1-ldap 1.3.12+dfsg-3 (using .../ ...
==> default: Unpacking replacement libaprutil1-ldap ...
==> default: Preparing to replace libaprutil1-dbd-sqlite3 1.3.12+dfsg-3 (using .../ ...
==> default: Unpacking replacement libaprutil1-dbd-sqlite3 ...
==> default: Preparing to replace libaprutil1 1.3.12+dfsg-3 (using .../ ...
==> default: Unpacking replacement libaprutil1 ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libtiff4.
==> default: Unpacking libtiff4 (from .../libtiff4_3.9.5-2ubuntu1.8_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libvpx1.
==> default: Unpacking libvpx1 (from .../libvpx1_1.0.0-1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libgd3.
==> default: Unpacking libgd3 (from .../ ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package liblua5.1-0.
==> default: Unpacking liblua5.1-0 (from .../liblua5.1-0_5.1.4-12ubuntu1.1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libonig2.
==> default: Unpacking libonig2 (from .../libonig2_5.9.1-1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libqdbm14.
==> default: Unpacking libqdbm14 (from .../libqdbm14_1.8.78-1build2_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package apache2-bin.
==> default: Unpacking apache2-bin (from .../ ...
==> default: dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/ (--unpack):
==> default:  trying to overwrite '/usr/share/man/man8/apache2.8.gz', which is also in package apache2.2-common 2.2.22-1ubuntu1.10
==> default: dpkg-deb (subprocess): subprocess data was killed by signal (Broken pipe)
==> default: dpkg-deb: error: subprocess <decompress> returned error exit status 2
==> default: Preparing to replace apache2-utils 2.2.22-1ubuntu1.10 (using .../ ...
==> default: Unpacking replacement apache2-utils ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package apache2-data.
==> default: Unpacking apache2-data (from .../ ...
==> default: dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/ (--unpack):
==> default:  trying to overwrite '/usr/share/apache2/icons/a.png', which is also in package apache2.2-common 2.2.22-1ubuntu1.10
==> default: dpkg-deb (subprocess): subprocess data was killed by signal (Broken pipe)
==> default: dpkg-deb: error: subprocess <decompress> returned error exit status 2
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package apache2.
==> default: Unpacking apache2 (from .../ ...
==> default: dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/ (--unpack):
==> default:  trying to overwrite '/usr/share/apache2/ask-for-passphrase', which is also in package apache2.2-common 2.2.22-1ubuntu1.10
==> default: dpkg-deb (subprocess): subprocess data was killed by signal (Broken pipe)
==> default: dpkg-deb: error: subprocess <decompress> returned error exit status 2
==> default: Preparing to replace php5-mysql 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.19 (using .../ ...
==> default: Unpacking replacement php5-mysql ...
==> default: Preparing to replace php5-mcrypt 5.3.5-0ubuntu1 (using .../ ...
==> default: Unpacking replacement php5-mcrypt ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libjson-c2.
==> default: Unpacking libjson-c2 (from .../ ...
==> default: Preparing to replace libapache2-mod-php5filter 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.19 (using .../ ...
==> default: Unpacking replacement libapache2-mod-php5filter ...
==> default: Preparing to replace php5-gd 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.19 (using .../ ...
==> default: Unpacking replacement php5-gd ...
==> default: Preparing to replace php5-cli 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.19 (using .../ ...
==> default: Unpacking replacement php5-cli ...
==> default: Preparing to replace php5-common 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.19 (using .../ ...
==> default: Unpacking replacement php5-common ...
==> default: dpkg: warning: unable to delete old directory '/etc/php5/conf.d': Directory not empty
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package php5-json.
==> default: Unpacking php5-json (from .../ ...
==> default: Processing triggers for man-db ...
==> default: Errors were encountered while processing:
==> default:  /var/cache/apt/archives/
==> default:  /var/cache/apt/archives/
==> default:  /var/cache/apt/archives/
==> default: E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
==> default:  at /tmp/vagrant-puppet/modules-d304064e49e0333e606ab356722d49ae/parrot_php/manifests/init.pp:26
==> default: err: /Stage[main]/Parrot_php/Package[php5-xmlrpc]/ensure: change from purged to latest failed: Could not update: Execution of '/usr/bin/apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold install php5-xmlrpc' returned 100: Reading package lists...
==> default: Building dependency tree...
==> default: Reading state information...
==> default: You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these:
==> default: The following packages have unmet dependencies:
==> default:  libapache2-mod-php5filter : Depends: apache2-api-20120211
==> default:                              Depends: apache2 (>= 2.4)
==> default: E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).
==> default:  at /tmp/vagrant-puppet/modules-d304064e49e0333e606ab356722d49ae/parrot_php/manifests/init.pp:26
==> default: err: /Stage[main]/Parrot_php/Package[php5-gd]/ensure: change from absent to latest failed: Could not update: Execution of '/usr/bin/apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold install php5-gd' returned 100: Reading package lists...
==> default: Building dependency tree...
==> default: Reading state information...
==> default: php5-gd is already the newest version.
==> default: php5-gd set to manually installed.
==> default: You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these:
==> default: The following packages have unmet dependencies:
==> default:  libapache2-mod-php5filter : Depends: apache2-api-20120211
==> default:                              Depends: apache2 (>= 2.4)
==> default: E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).
==> default:  at /tmp/vagrant-puppet/modules-d304064e49e0333e606ab356722d49ae/parrot_php/manifests/init.pp:26
==> default: err: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Apache/Package[libapache2-mod-fastcgi]/ensure: change from purged to latest failed: Could not update: Execution of '/usr/bin/apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold install libapache2-mod-fastcgi' returned 100: Reading package lists...
==> default: Building dependency tree...
==> default: Reading state information...
==> default: You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these:
==> default: The following packages have unmet dependencies:
==> default:  libapache2-mod-fastcgi : Depends: apache2-api-20120211
==> default:  libapache2-mod-php5filter : Depends: apache2-api-20120211
==> default:                              Depends: apache2 (>= 2.4)
==> default: E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).
==> default:  at /tmp/vagrant-puppet/modules-d304064e49e0333e606ab356722d49ae/http_stack/manifests/apache.pp:15
==> default: err: /Stage[main]/Parrot_php/Package[php-apc]/ensure: change from purged to latest failed: Could not update: Execution of '/usr/bin/apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold install php-apc' returned 100: Reading package lists...
==> default: Building dependency tree...
==> default: Reading state information...
==> default: You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these:
==> default: The following packages have unmet dependencies:
==> default:  libapache2-mod-php5filter : Depends: apache2-api-20120211
==> default:                              Depends: apache2 (>= 2.4)
==> default:  php-apc : Depends: php5-apcu but it is not going to be installed
==> default: E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).
==> default:  at /tmp/vagrant-puppet/modules-d304064e49e0333e606ab356722d49ae/parrot_php/manifests/init.pp:26
==> default: err: /Stage[main]/Parrot_php/Package[php5-xdebug]/ensure: change from purged to latest failed: Could not update: Execution of '/usr/bin/apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold install php5-xdebug' returned 100: Reading package lists...
==> default: Building dependency tree...
==> default: Reading state information...
==> default: You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these:
==> default: The following packages have unmet dependencies:
==> default:  libapache2-mod-php5filter : Depends: apache2-api-20120211
==> default:                              Depends: apache2 (>= 2.4)
==> default: E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).
==> default:  at /tmp/vagrant-puppet/modules-d304064e49e0333e606ab356722d49ae/parrot_php/manifests/init.pp:26
==> default: err: /Stage[main]/Parrot_php/Package[php5]/ensure: change from purged to latest failed: Could not update: Execution of '/usr/bin/apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold install php5' returned 100: Reading package lists...
==> default: Building dependency tree...
==> default: Reading state information...
==> default: You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these:
==> default: The following packages have unmet dependencies:
==> default:  libapache2-mod-php5filter : Depends: apache2-api-20120211
==> default:                              Depends: apache2 (>= 2.4)
==> default: E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).
==> default:  at /tmp/vagrant-puppet/modules-d304064e49e0333e606ab356722d49ae/parrot_php/manifests/init.pp:26
==> default: err: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Apache/Package[apache2-utils]/ensure: change from absent to latest failed: Could not update: Execution of '/usr/bin/apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold install apache2-utils' returned 100: Reading package lists...
==> default: Building dependency tree...
==> default: Reading state information...
==> default: apache2-utils is already the newest version.
==> default: apache2-utils set to manually installed.
==> default: You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these:
==> default: The following packages have unmet dependencies:
==> default:  libapache2-mod-php5filter : Depends: apache2-api-20120211
==> default:                              Depends: apache2 (>= 2.4)
==> default: E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).
==> default:  at /tmp/vagrant-puppet/modules-d304064e49e0333e606ab356722d49ae/http_stack/manifests/apache.pp:15
==> default: err: /Stage[main]/Parrot_php/Package[php5-fpm]/ensure: change from purged to latest failed: Could not update: Execution of '/usr/bin/apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold install php5-fpm' returned 100: Reading package lists...
==> default: Building dependency tree...
==> default: Reading state information...
==> default: You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these:
==> default: The following packages have unmet dependencies:
==> default:  libapache2-mod-php5filter : Depends: apache2-api-20120211
==> default:                              Depends: apache2 (>= 2.4)
==> default: E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).
==> default:  at /tmp/vagrant-puppet/modules-d304064e49e0333e606ab356722d49ae/parrot_php/manifests/init.pp:26
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Parrot_php/File[/etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/www.conf]: Dependency Package[php5-fpm] has failures: true
==> default: warning: /Stage[main]/Parrot_php/File[/etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/www.conf]: Skipping because of failed dependencies
==> default: err: /Stage[main]/Parrot_php/Package[php5-sqlite]/ensure: change from purged to latest failed: Could not update: Execution of '/usr/bin/apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold install php5-sqlite' returned 100: Reading package lists...
==> default: Building dependency tree...
==> default: Reading state information...
==> default: You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these:
==> default: The following packages have unmet dependencies:
==> default:  libapache2-mod-php5filter : Depends: apache2-api-20120211
==> default:                              Depends: apache2 (>= 2.4)
==> default: E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).
==> default:  at /tmp/vagrant-puppet/modules-d304064e49e0333e606ab356722d49ae/parrot_php/manifests/init.pp:26
==> default: err: /Stage[main]/Parrot_php/Package[php5-curl]/ensure: change from purged to latest failed: Could not update: Execution of '/usr/bin/apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold install php5-curl' returned 100: Reading package lists...
==> default: Building dependency tree...
==> default: Reading state information...
==> default: You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these:
==> default: The following packages have unmet dependencies:
==> default:  libapache2-mod-php5filter : Depends: apache2-api-20120211
==> default:                              Depends: apache2 (>= 2.4)
==> default: E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).
==> default:  at /tmp/vagrant-puppet/modules-d304064e49e0333e606ab356722d49ae/parrot_php/manifests/init.pp:26
==> default: err: /Stage[main]/Parrot_php/Package[php5-cgi]/ensure: change from purged to latest failed: Could not update: Execution of '/usr/bin/apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold install php5-cgi' returned 100: Reading package lists...
==> default: Building dependency tree...
==> default: Reading state information...
==> default: You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these:
==> default: The following packages have unmet dependencies:
==> default:  libapache2-mod-php5filter : Depends: apache2-api-20120211
==> default:                              Depends: apache2 (>= 2.4)
==> default: E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).
==> default:  at /tmp/vagrant-puppet/modules-d304064e49e0333e606ab356722d49ae/parrot_php/manifests/init.pp:26
==> default: err: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Apache/Package[apache2-mpm-worker]/ensure: change from purged to latest failed: Could not update: Execution of '/usr/bin/apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold install apache2-mpm-worker' returned 100: Reading package lists...
==> default: Building dependency tree...
==> default: Reading state information...
==> default: You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these:
==> default: The following packages have unmet dependencies:
==> default:  apache2-mpm-worker : Depends: apache2 (=
==> default:  libapache2-mod-php5filter : Depends: apache2-api-20120211
==> default:                              Depends: apache2 (>= 2.4)
==> default: E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).
==> default:  at /tmp/vagrant-puppet/modules-d304064e49e0333e606ab356722d49ae/http_stack/manifests/apache.pp:15
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Pear/Package[make]: Dependency Package[php5] has failures: true
==> default: warning: /Stage[main]/Pear/Package[make]: Skipping because of failed dependencies
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Pear/File[/tmp/xhprof]: Dependency Package[php5] has failures: true
==> default: warning: /Stage[main]/Pear/File[/tmp/xhprof]: Skipping because of failed dependencies
==> default: err: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Apache/Package[apache2]/ensure: change from purged to latest failed: Could not update: Execution of '/usr/bin/apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold install apache2' returned 100: Reading package lists...
==> default: Building dependency tree...
==> default: Reading state information...
==> default: You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these:
==> default: The following packages have unmet dependencies:
==> default:  apache2 : Depends: apache2-bin (= but it is not going to be installed
==> default:            Depends: apache2-data (= but it is not going to be installed
==> default:  libapache2-mod-php5filter : Depends: apache2-api-20120211
==> default: E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).
==> default:  at /tmp/vagrant-puppet/modules-d304064e49e0333e606ab356722d49ae/http_stack/manifests/apache.pp:15
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Apache/Exec[a2enmod-rewrite]: Dependency Package[apache2] has failures: true
==> default: warning: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Apache/Exec[a2enmod-rewrite]: Skipping because of failed dependencies
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Apache/File[/etc/apache2/ssl.d]: Dependency Package[apache2] has failures: true
==> default: warning: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Apache/File[/etc/apache2/ssl.d]: Skipping because of failed dependencies
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Apache/Exec[a2enmod-fastcgi]: Dependency Package[apache2] has failures: true
==> default: warning: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Apache/Exec[a2enmod-fastcgi]: Skipping because of failed dependencies
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Apache/File[/etc/apache2/conf-enabled/php-fpm.conf]: Dependency Package[apache2] has failures: true
==> default: warning: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Apache/File[/etc/apache2/conf-enabled/php-fpm.conf]: Skipping because of failed dependencies
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Apache/Exec[a2enmod-actions]: Dependency Package[apache2] has failures: true
==> default: warning: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Apache/Exec[a2enmod-actions]: Skipping because of failed dependencies
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Apache/Exec[a2enmod-deflate]: Dependency Package[apache2] has failures: true
==> default: warning: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Apache/Exec[a2enmod-deflate]: Skipping because of failed dependencies
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Phpmyadmin/File[/etc/apache2/conf-enabled/phpmyadmin.conf]: Dependency Package[apache2] has failures: true
==> default: warning: /Stage[main]/Phpmyadmin/File[/etc/apache2/conf-enabled/phpmyadmin.conf]: Skipping because of failed dependencies
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Apache/Exec[a2dismod-php5_cgi]: Dependency Package[apache2] has failures: true
==> default: warning: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Apache/Exec[a2dismod-php5_cgi]: Skipping because of failed dependencies
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Apache/Exec[a2enmod-ssl]: Dependency Package[apache2] has failures: true
==> default: warning: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Apache/Exec[a2enmod-ssl]: Skipping because of failed dependencies
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Apache/File[/etc/apache2/conf-enabled/xhprof.conf]: Dependency Package[apache2] has failures: true
==> default: warning: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Apache/File[/etc/apache2/conf-enabled/xhprof.conf]: Skipping because of failed dependencies
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Apache/Exec[a2enmod-expires]: Dependency Package[apache2] has failures: true
==> default: warning: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Apache/Exec[a2enmod-expires]: Skipping because of failed dependencies
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Parrot_php/File[/etc/php5/conf.d/zy-parrot.ini]: Dependency Package[php5] has failures: true
==> default: warning: /Stage[main]/Parrot_php/File[/etc/php5/conf.d/zy-parrot.ini]: Skipping because of failed dependencies
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Parrot_php/File[/etc/php5/fpm/conf.d/50-parrot.ini]: Dependency Package[php5] has failures: true
==> default: warning: /Stage[main]/Parrot_php/File[/etc/php5/fpm/conf.d/50-parrot.ini]: Skipping because of failed dependencies
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Apache/File[/etc/apache2/ports.conf]: Dependency Package[apache2] has failures: true
==> default: warning: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Apache/File[/etc/apache2/ports.conf]: Skipping because of failed dependencies
==> default: err: /Stage[main]/Parrot_php/Package[php5-cli]/ensure: change from absent to latest failed: Could not update: Execution of '/usr/bin/apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold install php5-cli' returned 100: Reading package lists...
==> default: Building dependency tree...
==> default: Reading state information...
==> default: php5-cli is already the newest version.
==> default: php5-cli set to manually installed.
==> default: You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these:
==> default: The following packages have unmet dependencies:
==> default:  libapache2-mod-php5filter : Depends: apache2-api-20120211
==> default:                              Depends: apache2 (>= 2.4)
==> default: E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).
==> default:  at /tmp/vagrant-puppet/modules-d304064e49e0333e606ab356722d49ae/parrot_php/manifests/init.pp:26
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Parrot_php/File[/etc/php5/conf.d/zz-parrot.ini]: Dependency Package[php5] has failures: true
==> default: warning: /Stage[main]/Parrot_php/File[/etc/php5/conf.d/zz-parrot.ini]: Skipping because of failed dependencies
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Parrot_php/File[/etc/php5/fpm/conf.d/80-parrot.ini]: Dependency Package[php5] has failures: true
==> default: warning: /Stage[main]/Parrot_php/File[/etc/php5/fpm/conf.d/80-parrot.ini]: Skipping because of failed dependencies
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Apache/Service[php5-fpm]: Dependency Package[php5] has failures: true
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Apache/Service[php5-fpm]: Dependency Package[php5-fpm] has failures: true
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Apache/Service[php5-fpm]: Dependency Package[libapache2-mod-fastcgi] has failures: true
==> default: warning: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Apache/Service[php5-fpm]: Skipping because of failed dependencies
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Parrot_mysql/Preseed_package[mysql-server]/File[/var/local/preseed/mysql-server.preseed]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}6e3834dfca95195c0d4167f22eaa25af'
==> default: err: /Stage[main]/Parrot_mysql/Preseed_package[mysql-server]/Package[mysql-server]/ensure: change from purged to latest failed: Could not update: Execution of '/usr/bin/apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold install mysql-server' returned 100: Reading package lists...
==> default: Building dependency tree...
==> default: Reading state information...
==> default: You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these:
==> default: The following packages have unmet dependencies:
==> default:  libapache2-mod-php5filter : Depends: apache2-api-20120211
==> default:                              Depends: apache2 (>= 2.4)
==> default:  mysql-server : Depends: mysql-server-5.5 but it is not going to be installed
==> default: E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).
==> default:  at /tmp/vagrant-puppet/modules-d304064e49e0333e606ab356722d49ae/preseed_package/manifests/init.pp:23
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Parrot_mysql/File[/etc/mysql/conf.d/parrot.cnf]: Dependency Package[mysql-server] has failures: true
==> default: warning: /Stage[main]/Parrot_mysql/File[/etc/mysql/conf.d/parrot.cnf]: Skipping because of failed dependencies
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Parrot_mysql/Service[mysql]: Dependency Package[mysql-server] has failures: true
==> default: warning: /Stage[main]/Parrot_mysql/Service[mysql]: Skipping because of failed dependencies
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Parrot_mysql/Exec[create-db-schema-and-user]: Dependency Package[mysql-server] has failures: true
==> default: warning: /Stage[main]/Parrot_mysql/Exec[create-db-schema-and-user]: Skipping because of failed dependencies
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Pear/Package[php5-dev]: Dependency Package[php5] has failures: true
==> default: warning: /Stage[main]/Pear/Package[php5-dev]: Skipping because of failed dependencies
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Pear/Package[php-pear]: Dependency Package[php5] has failures: true
==> default: warning: /Stage[main]/Pear/Package[php-pear]: Skipping because of failed dependencies
==> default: err: /Stage[main]/Parrot_php/Package[graphviz]/ensure: change from purged to present failed: Execution of '/usr/bin/apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold install graphviz' returned 100: Reading package lists...
==> default: Building dependency tree...
==> default: Reading state information...
==> default: You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these:
==> default: The following packages have unmet dependencies:
==> default:  graphviz : Depends: libcdt4 but it is not going to be installed
==> default:             Depends: libcgraph5 but it is not going to be installed
==> default:             Depends: libgraph4 but it is not going to be installed
==> default:             Depends: libgvc5 but it is not going to be installed
==> default:             Depends: libgvpr1 but it is not going to be installed
==> default:             Depends: libxaw7 but it is not going to be installed
==> default:             Depends: libxmu6 but it is not going to be installed
==> default:             Depends: libxt6 but it is not going to be installed
==> default:             Recommends: ttf-liberation
==> default:  libapache2-mod-php5filter : Depends: apache2-api-20120211
==> default:                              Depends: apache2 (>= 2.4)
==> default: E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).
==> default: 
==> default: err: /Stage[main]/Pear/Package[uploadprogress]: Provider pecl is not functional on this host
==> default: err: /Stage[main]/Pear/Package[xhprof-beta]: Provider pecl is not functional on this host
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Pear/File[/etc/php5/fpm/conf.d/uploadprogress.ini]: Dependency Package[php5] has failures: true
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Pear/File[/etc/php5/fpm/conf.d/uploadprogress.ini]: Dependency Package[uploadprogress] has failures: true
==> default: warning: /Stage[main]/Pear/File[/etc/php5/fpm/conf.d/uploadprogress.ini]: Skipping because of failed dependencies
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Pear/File[/etc/php5/fpm/conf.d/xhprof.ini]: Dependency Package[php5] has failures: true
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Pear/File[/etc/php5/fpm/conf.d/xhprof.ini]: Dependency Package[xhprof-beta] has failures: true
==> default: warning: /Stage[main]/Pear/File[/etc/php5/fpm/conf.d/xhprof.ini]: Skipping because of failed dependencies
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Apache/Service[apache2]: Dependency Package[php5-fpm] has failures: true
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Apache/Service[apache2]: Dependency Package[php5] has failures: true
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Apache/Service[apache2]: Dependency Package[libapache2-mod-fastcgi] has failures: true
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Apache/Service[apache2]: Dependency Package[xhprof-beta] has failures: true
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Apache/Service[apache2]: Dependency Package[uploadprogress] has failures: true
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Apache/Service[apache2]: Dependency Package[apache2] has failures: true
==> default: warning: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Apache/Service[apache2]: Skipping because of failed dependencies
==> default: err: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Apache/Service[apache2]: Failed to call refresh: Could not start Service[apache2]: Execution of '/etc/init.d/apache2 start' returned 1:  at /tmp/vagrant-puppet/modules-d304064e49e0333e606ab356722d49ae/http_stack/manifests/apache.pp:144
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Varnish/Package[varnish]: Dependency Package[apache2] has failures: true
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Varnish/Package[varnish]: Dependency Package[apache2-mpm-worker] has failures: true
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Varnish/Package[varnish]: Dependency Package[apache2-utils] has failures: true
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Varnish/Package[varnish]: Dependency Package[libapache2-mod-fastcgi] has failures: true
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Varnish/Package[varnish]: Dependency Package[uploadprogress] has failures: true
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Varnish/Package[varnish]: Dependency Package[php5] has failures: true
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Varnish/Package[varnish]: Dependency Package[xhprof-beta] has failures: true
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Varnish/Package[varnish]: Dependency Package[php5-fpm] has failures: true
==> default: warning: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Varnish/Package[varnish]: Skipping because of failed dependencies
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Varnish/File[/etc/varnish/secret]: Dependency Package[apache2] has failures: true
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Varnish/File[/etc/varnish/secret]: Dependency Package[apache2-mpm-worker] has failures: true
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Varnish/File[/etc/varnish/secret]: Dependency Package[apache2-utils] has failures: true
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Varnish/File[/etc/varnish/secret]: Dependency Package[libapache2-mod-fastcgi] has failures: true
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Varnish/File[/etc/varnish/secret]: Dependency Package[uploadprogress] has failures: true
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Varnish/File[/etc/varnish/secret]: Dependency Package[php5] has failures: true
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Varnish/File[/etc/varnish/secret]: Dependency Package[xhprof-beta] has failures: true
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Varnish/File[/etc/varnish/secret]: Dependency Package[php5-fpm] has failures: true
==> default: warning: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Varnish/File[/etc/varnish/secret]: Skipping because of failed dependencies
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Varnish/File[/etc/varnish/default.vcl]: Dependency Package[apache2] has failures: true
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Varnish/File[/etc/varnish/default.vcl]: Dependency Package[apache2-mpm-worker] has failures: true
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Varnish/File[/etc/varnish/default.vcl]: Dependency Package[apache2-utils] has failures: true
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Varnish/File[/etc/varnish/default.vcl]: Dependency Package[libapache2-mod-fastcgi] has failures: true
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Varnish/File[/etc/varnish/default.vcl]: Dependency Package[uploadprogress] has failures: true
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Varnish/File[/etc/varnish/default.vcl]: Dependency Package[php5] has failures: true
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Varnish/File[/etc/varnish/default.vcl]: Dependency Package[xhprof-beta] has failures: true
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Varnish/File[/etc/varnish/default.vcl]: Dependency Package[php5-fpm] has failures: true
==> default: warning: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Varnish/File[/etc/varnish/default.vcl]: Skipping because of failed dependencies
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Varnish/File[/etc/default/varnish]: Dependency Package[apache2] has failures: true
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Varnish/File[/etc/default/varnish]: Dependency Package[apache2-mpm-worker] has failures: true
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Varnish/File[/etc/default/varnish]: Dependency Package[apache2-utils] has failures: true
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Varnish/File[/etc/default/varnish]: Dependency Package[libapache2-mod-fastcgi] has failures: true
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Varnish/File[/etc/default/varnish]: Dependency Package[uploadprogress] has failures: true
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Varnish/File[/etc/default/varnish]: Dependency Package[php5] has failures: true
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Varnish/File[/etc/default/varnish]: Dependency Package[xhprof-beta] has failures: true
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Varnish/File[/etc/default/varnish]: Dependency Package[php5-fpm] has failures: true
==> default: warning: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Varnish/File[/etc/default/varnish]: Skipping because of failed dependencies
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Varnish/Service[varnish]: Dependency Package[apache2] has failures: true
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Varnish/Service[varnish]: Dependency Package[apache2-mpm-worker] has failures: true
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Varnish/Service[varnish]: Dependency Package[apache2-utils] has failures: true
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Varnish/Service[varnish]: Dependency Package[libapache2-mod-fastcgi] has failures: true
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Varnish/Service[varnish]: Dependency Package[uploadprogress] has failures: true
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Varnish/Service[varnish]: Dependency Package[php5] has failures: true
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Varnish/Service[varnish]: Dependency Package[xhprof-beta] has failures: true
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Varnish/Service[varnish]: Dependency Package[php5-fpm] has failures: true
==> default: warning: /Stage[main]/Http_stack::Varnish/Service[varnish]: Skipping because of failed dependencies
==> default: notice: Finished catalog run in 243.80 seconds
The SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status. Vagrant
assumes that this means the command failed. The output for this command
should be in the log above. Please read the output to determine what
went wrong.
finnlewis commented 9 years ago

When attempting to do apt-get -f install from within vagrant:

➜  vagrant  apt-get -f install
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
Correcting dependencies... Done
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
  libnet-daemon-perl libdbi-perl dbconfig-common libterm-readkey-perl apache2-mpm-prefork php5-gd libmysqlclient18 apache2-utils libmcrypt4 apache2.2-common libt1-5 mysql-client-core-5.5 apache2.2-bin
  libdbd-mysql-perl libgd2-xpm mysql-client php5-mcrypt libplrpc-perl php5-mysql php5-cli mysql-common mysql-client-5.5
Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.
The following extra packages will be installed:
Suggested packages:
  www-browser apache2-doc apache2-suexec-pristine apache2-suexec-custom
The following NEW packages will be installed:
0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 178 not upgraded.
1 not fully installed or removed.
Need to get 0 B/1,017 kB of archives.
After this operation, 3,639 kB of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue [Y/n]? y
(Reading database ... 59760 files and directories currently installed.)
Unpacking apache2-bin (from .../ ...
dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/ (--unpack):
 trying to overwrite '/usr/share/man/man8/apache2.8.gz', which is also in package apache2.2-common 2.2.22-1ubuntu1.10
dpkg-deb (subprocess): subprocess data was killed by signal (Broken pipe)
dpkg-deb: error: subprocess <decompress> returned error exit status 2
Processing triggers for man-db ...
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

Someone else with the same problem:

So does this suggest something has recently broken in the ppa ?

finnlewis commented 9 years ago

I've posted a reply to what I think may be the same issue:

rossb89 commented 8 years ago

I have this same issue as well... will update here if I find a solution.

googletorp commented 8 years ago

I have the same issue on a working box. I get this error:

==> default: The following packages have unmet dependencies:
==> default:  apache2-mpm-worker : Depends: apache2.2-common (= 2.2.22-1ubuntu1.10) but is to be installed
==> default:                       Depends: apache2.2-bin (= 2.2.22-1ubuntu1.10) but is to be installed
==> default: E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.
==> default:  at /tmp/vagrant-puppet/modules-7d76a07699117697331cf1457315e500/http_stack/manifests/apache.pp:15
googletorp commented 8 years ago

A way to sort of fix this is to:

Remove 'apache2-mpm-worker' from apache.pp (this means that varnish can't be installed as well and do some custom configration of apache (sudo rm /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/authz_default.load)

I haven't tested this much, but all seems to be working

darthsteven commented 8 years ago

Yeah, sorry everyone! Actively developing a version for Ubuntu Trusty that should have everything working nicely, and some better puppet code to boot.

googletorp commented 8 years ago

I have tested the trusty branch, and all seems to be working nicely