computmaxer / karma-jspm

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(test-case) Unit tests not working beta.2 #86

Closed ghost closed 9 years ago

ghost commented 9 years ago

Hello, for the past month I been trying to get unit tests to run with either karma-jspm or karma-systemjs.

I have created a bare bones repo for you to test and help get them running.

npm i
jspm update
gulp tsd
gulp test

In the karma.config you will see 2 configurations. One for karma-jspm and one for karma-systemjs. Please comment/uncomment the appropiate configuration.

I would really appreciate the team taking their time and trying to get them to run. I'm pulling out my har, I really need to get my units tests running again.

The repo contains 2 layouts. They differ by baseURL.

Layout 1 uses plugin-typescript, with a baseURL of "/"

Layout 2 is what I'm using in my project now. The typescript is transpiled into /.build/app the jspm_packages and config live in .build.

The only thing I care about is to get the unit tests to run. If that means you need to rearrange things, go ahead.

The test repo:

maxwellpeterson-wf commented 9 years ago

I'll check this out now and see what I can do.

maxwellpeterson-wf commented 9 years ago

This is not a 100% complete solution but it may get you close enough... hopefully.

First I changed the jspm config so that packages are not under .build. It is easier if we don't have to override the baseURL setting, and jspm_packages and config.js should be fine in the root directory. Strangely this alone didn't work, I had to rename .build to build for karma to request the paths properly with a preceding /base/.

Next I had to include angular and angular-mocks in the karma files, as you were referencing them as global in your tests.

Next I added the copy:tests task to run on test. This will put your specs right next to the compile JS files that it should be testing. Updated the karma config to load the specs from build/ instead of src/.

At this point the tests run but fail because the controller you are attempting to test hasn't been loaded. I attempted to import the login file with both import './login'; and require('./login'); but it doesn't seem like that alone is going to be what is needed. I don't have a lot of experience testing AngularJS apps, maybe you will know what to do from this point?

ghost commented 9 years ago

@maxwellpeterson-wf thank you for checking this out. I'll look at this later today and get back to you.