comunica / comunica-feature-link-traversal

📬 Comunica packages for link traversal-based query execution
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Use type inference for type index traversal #49

Open rubensworks opened 2 years ago

rubensworks commented 2 years ago

Issue type:


The following query makes use of the Solid type index to detect that is should follow (and prioritize) a link to the bookmarks file:*%20WHERE%20%7B%0A%20%20%3Fbookmark%20a%20bookm%3ABookmark%3B%0A%20%20%20%20bookm%3AhasTopic%20%3Ftopic.%0A%7D

Currently, our actor implementation depends on the presence of the ?bookmark a bookm:Bookmark pattern before it is able to detect that the type index entry for the class bookm:Bookmark should be used.

Since the query also contains the pattern ?bookmark bookm:hasTopic ?topic, it should be possible to implicitly infer this ?bookmark a bookm:Bookmark triple, since the bookm:hasTopic predicate implies that the subject is of type bookm:Bookmark.

So concretely, it should be possible to execute

PREFIX bookm: <>
  ?bookmark bookm:hasTopic ?topic.

and get the same results as we currently do with

PREFIX bookm: <>
  ?bookmark a bookm:Bookmark;
    bookm:hasTopic ?topic.

Additionally, rdfs:subClassOf should also be considered, both via predicates, and via explicit types in the query. For example, if bookm:Bookmark rdfs:subClassOf ex:Thing, and we have a type index entry for ex:Thing, then the usage of the bookm:hasTopic predicate should also result in the ex:Thing type index entry to be considered.

github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the suggestion!

rubensworks commented 11 months ago

This has been implemented in, but has not been evaluated yet.