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[package] qt/5.15.2: missing include dir for QtXcbQpa #10858

Closed tmartiel closed 2 years ago

tmartiel commented 2 years ago

Package and Environment Details (include every applicable attribute)

Conan profile (output of conan profile show default or conan profile show <profile> if custom profile is in use)

Configuration for profile default:


Steps to reproduce (Include if Applicable)

  1. extract
  2. conan create testlib -pr:b=default -pr:h=default
  3. conan install -if build testapp -pr:b=default -pr:h=default
  4. conan build -bf build testapp

Logs (Include/Attach if Applicable)

Output of conan build -bf build testapp:

Click to expand log ``` Using lockfile: '/home/tim/Sources/test/build/conan.lock' Using cached profile from lockfile Calling build() CMake command: cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="/home/tim/Sources/test/build/conan_toolchain.cmake" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="/home/tim/Sources/test/build/package" "/home/tim/Sources/test/testapp" -- Using Conan toolchain: /home/tim/Sources/test/build/conan_toolchain.cmake -- The C compiler identification is Clang 13.0.1 -- The CXX compiler identification is Clang 13.0.1 -- Detecting C compiler ABI info -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/clang - skipped -- Detecting C compile features -- Detecting C compile features - done -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done -- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/clang++ - skipped -- Detecting CXX compile features -- Detecting CXX compile features - done -- Conan: Target declared 'testlib::testlib' -- Conan: Component target declared 'Qt5::Core' -- Conan: Component target declared 'Qt5::Gui' -- Conan: Component target declared 'Qt5::EventDispatcherSupport' -- Conan: Component target declared 'Qt5::FontDatabaseSupport' -- Conan: Component target declared 'Qt5::ThemeSupport' -- Conan: Component target declared 'Qt5::AccessibilitySupport' -- Conan: Component target declared 'Qt5::ServiceSupport' -- Conan: Component target declared 'Qt5::EdidSupport' -- Conan: Component target declared 'Qt5::XkbCommonSupport' -- Conan: Component target declared 'Qt5::XcbQpa' -- Conan: Component target declared 'Qt5::QXcbIntegrationPlugin' -- Conan: Component target declared 'Qt5::QSQLiteDriverPlugin' -- Conan: Component target declared 'Qt5::QPSQLDriverPlugin' -- Conan: Component target declared 'Qt5::QMySQLDriverPlugin' -- Conan: Component target declared 'Qt5::QODBCDriverPlugin' -- Conan: Component target declared 'Qt5::Network' -- Conan: Component target declared 'Qt5::Sql' -- Conan: Component target declared 'Qt5::Test' -- Conan: Component target declared 'Qt5::Widgets' -- Conan: Component target declared 'Qt5::PrintSupport' -- Conan: Component target declared 'Qt5::OpenGL' -- Conan: Component target declared 'Qt5::OpenGLExtensions' -- Conan: Component target declared 'Qt5::Concurrent' -- Conan: Component target declared 'Qt5::Xml' -- Conan: Target declared 'qt::qt' -- Conan: Target declared 'ZLIB::ZLIB' -- Conan: Component target declared 'PCRE2::8BIT' -- Conan: Component target declared 'PCRE2::POSIX' -- Conan: Component target declared 'PCRE2::16BIT' -- Conan: Component target declared 'PCRE2::32BIT' -- Conan: Target declared 'pcre2::pcre2' -- Conan: Target declared 'BZip2::BZip2' -- Conan: Including build module from '/home/tim/.conan/data/bzip2/1.0.8/_/_/package/1718811d87d80de7c9031968965934b738936751/lib/cmake/conan-official-bzip2-variables.cmake' -- Conan: Target declared 'double-conversion::double-conversion' -- Conan: Component target declared 'ICU::data' -- Conan: Component target declared 'ICU::dt' -- Conan: Component target declared 'ICU::uc' -- Conan: Component target declared 'ICU::i18n' -- Conan: Component target declared 'ICU::in' -- Conan: Component target declared 'ICU::io' -- Conan: Component target declared 'ICU::tu' -- Conan: Component target declared 'ICU::test' -- Conan: Target declared 'icu::icu' -- Conan: Component target declared 'zstd::libzstd_static' -- Conan: Target declared 'freetype' -- Conan: Target declared 'PNG::PNG' -- Conan: Component target declared 'brotli::brotlicommon' -- Conan: Component target declared 'brotli::brotlidec' -- Conan: Component target declared 'brotli::brotlienc' -- Conan: Target declared 'brotli::brotli' -- Conan: Including build module from '/home/tim/.conan/data/freetype/2.11.1/_/_/package/add94f9860349878afccb4f63c3468dc8f88b792/lib/cmake/conan-official-freetype-variables.cmake' -- Conan: Target declared 'Fontconfig::Fontconfig' -- Conan: Target declared 'expat::expat' -- Conan: Target declared 'libuuid::libuuid' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xorg::x11' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xorg::x11-xcb' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xorg::fontenc' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xorg::ice' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xorg::xau' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xorg::xaw7' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xorg::xcomposite' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xorg::xcursor' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xorg::xdamage' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xorg::xdmcp' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xorg::xext' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xorg::xfixes' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xorg::xft' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xorg::xi' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xorg::xinerama' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xorg::xkbfile' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xorg::xmu' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xorg::xmuu' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xorg::xpm' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xorg::xrandr' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xorg::xrender' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xorg::xres' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xorg::xscrnsaver' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xorg::xt' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xorg::xtst' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xorg::xv' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xorg::xvmc' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xorg::xxf86vm' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xorg::xtrans' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xorg::xcb-xkb' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xorg::xcb-icccm' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xorg::xcb-image' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xorg::xcb-keysyms' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xorg::xcb-randr' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xorg::xcb-render' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xorg::xcb-renderutil' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xorg::xcb-shape' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xorg::xcb-shm' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xorg::xcb-sync' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xorg::xcb-xfixes' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xorg::xcb-xinerama' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xorg::xcb' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xorg::xkeyboard-config' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xorg::xcb-atom' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xorg::xcb-aux' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xorg::xcb-event' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xorg::xcb-util' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xorg::xcb-dri3' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xorg::uuid' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xorg::sm' -- Conan: Target declared 'xorg::xorg' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xkbcommon::libxkbcommon' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xkbcommon::libxkbcommon-x11' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xkbcommon::libxkbregistry' -- Conan: Component target declared 'xkbcommon::xkbcli-interactive-wayland' -- Conan: Target declared 'xkbcommon::xkbcommon' -- Conan: Target declared 'LibXml2::LibXml2' -- Conan: Target declared 'Iconv::Iconv' -- Conan: Including build module from '/home/tim/.conan/data/libxml2/2.9.13/_/_/package/2baba6ed0b1563aff9df30d97b0ec59192fe047d/lib/cmake/conan-official-libxml2-variables.cmake' -- Conan: Component target declared 'wayland::wayland-scanner' -- Conan: Component target declared 'wayland::wayland-server' -- Conan: Component target declared 'wayland::wayland-client' -- Conan: Component target declared 'wayland::wayland-cursor' -- Conan: Component target declared 'wayland::wayland-egl' -- Conan: Component target declared 'wayland::wayland-egl-backend' -- Conan: Target declared 'wayland::wayland' -- Conan: Target declared 'libffi::libffi' -- Conan: Target declared 'wayland-protocols::wayland-protocols' -- Conan: Target declared 'opengl::opengl' -- Conan: Target declared 'JPEG::JPEG' -- Conan: Component target declared 'SQLite::SQLite3' -- Conan: Component target declared 'libpq::pgcommon' -- Conan: Component target declared 'libpq::pgport' -- Conan: Component target declared 'libpq::pq' -- Conan: Target declared 'PostgreSQL::PostgreSQL' -- Conan: Target declared 'libmysqlclient::libmysqlclient' -- Conan: Component target declared 'OpenSSL::Crypto' -- Conan: Component target declared 'OpenSSL::SSL' -- Conan: Target declared 'openssl::openssl' -- Conan: Including build module from '/home/tim/.conan/data/openssl/1.1.1n/_/_/package/63c2a85d57849e261f98f935b93ecac31ba71b84/lib/cmake/conan-official-openssl-variables.cmake' -- Conan: Target declared 'lz4::lz4' -- Conan: Component target declared 'odbc::odbccr' -- Conan: Component target declared 'odbc::odbcltdl' -- Conan: Component target declared 'odbc::_odbc' -- Conan: Component target declared 'odbc::odbcinst' -- Conan: Target declared 'ODBC::ODBC' -- Conan: Including build module from '/home/tim/.conan/data/qt/5.15.2/_/_/package/1b9003ea6fc53f8bccf193cac25cc984fd7f83d0/lib/cmake/Qt5Gui/conan_qt_qt5_guiprivate.cmake' -- Conan: Including build module from '/home/tim/.conan/data/qt/5.15.2/_/_/package/1b9003ea6fc53f8bccf193cac25cc984fd7f83d0/lib/cmake/Qt5Widgets/conan_qt_qt5_widgetsprivate.cmake' -- Conan: Including build module from '/home/tim/.conan/data/qt/5.15.2/_/_/package/1b9003ea6fc53f8bccf193cac25cc984fd7f83d0/lib/cmake/Qt5Core/conan_qt_core_extras.cmake' -- Conan: Including build module from '/home/tim/.conan/data/qt/5.15.2/_/_/package/1b9003ea6fc53f8bccf193cac25cc984fd7f83d0/lib/cmake/Qt5Core/conan_qt_qt5_coreprivate.cmake' -- Conan: Including build module from '/home/tim/.conan/data/qt/5.15.2/_/_/package/1b9003ea6fc53f8bccf193cac25cc984fd7f83d0/lib/cmake/Qt5Core/Qt5CoreMacros.cmake' -- Conan: Including build module from '/home/tim/.conan/data/qt/5.15.2/_/_/package/1b9003ea6fc53f8bccf193cac25cc984fd7f83d0/lib/cmake/Qt5Widgets/Qt5WidgetsMacros.cmake' -- Configuring done CMake Error in CMakeLists.txt: Imported target "testlib::testlib" includes non-existent path "/home/tim/.conan/data/qt/5.15.2/_/_/package/1b9003ea6fc53f8bccf193cac25cc984fd7f83d0/include/QtXcbQpa" in its INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES. Possible reasons include: * The path was deleted, renamed, or moved to another location. * An install or uninstall procedure did not complete successfully. * The installation package was faulty and references files it does not provide. -- Generating done CMake Generate step failed. Build files cannot be regenerated correctly. ERROR: Error in build() method, line 15 c.configure() ConanException: Error 1 while executing cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="/home/tim/Sources/test/build/conan_toolchain.cmake" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="/home/tim/Sources/test/build/package" "/home/tim/Sources/test/testapp" ```
ericLemanissier commented 2 years ago

can you please try with ?

tmartiel commented 2 years ago

With #10862, I get an error in cmake:

CMake Error at /home/tmartiel/.conan/data/qt/5.15.2/_/_/package/97fab57d5cb7be169f6f7b38a31374d71c474037/lib/cmake/Qt5Core/conan_qt_core_extras.cmake:72:
  Parse error.  Expected a newline, got identifier with text "set".
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  FindQt5.cmake:3743 (include)
  CMakeLists.txt:8 (find_package)

And indeed /home/tmartiel/.conan/data/qt/5.15.2/_/_/package/97fab57d5cb7be169f6f7b38a31374d71c474037/lib/cmake/Qt5Core/conan_qt_core_extras.cmake ends with:

    add_executable(${QT_CMAKE_EXPORT_NAMESPACE}::lupdate IMPORTED)
    set_target_properties(${QT_CMAKE_EXPORT_NAMESPACE}::lupdate PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../../../bin/lupdate)

If I add the new line manually, everything works as expected, though.


ericLemanissier commented 2 years ago

thanks ! it should be fixed now

tmartiel commented 2 years ago

It works now. Thanks!

EstebanDugueperoux2 commented 2 years ago


I have the same issue with all qt/5.15.x releases. @ericLemanissier when you say it should be fixed now, in which release it is fixed?


ericLemanissier commented 2 years ago

I meant that the PR has been fixed. It is not yet merged, but it should be merged this morning, because all needed approvals are here.