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Recipes for the ConanCenter repository
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Conan 2.0 migration: the final 100 #20992

Open valgur opened 8 months ago

valgur commented 8 months ago

Hi everyone!

We are nearing the finish line of the Conan 2.0 migration, with just a bit more than a hundred recipes left to go. I thought it would be a good time to summarize and keep track of the status of the remaining packages, as the number of these is quite manageable now.

Feel free to make use of this issue for any migration requests or collaboration offers. I will gladly shift my focus to packages for which there's active interest.

Total counts by status as of 2024-07-03:

Recipe PRs Status Blockers
ags #18831 :tada:
andreasbuhr-cppcoro #20611 :tada:
asn1c #18636 :tada:
aws-cdi-sdk #21164, #12496 :white_check_mark:
azure-storage-cpp #18842 :white_check_mark:
botan #18079 :tada:
cairomm #18884, #15713 :tada:
cc65 #18873 :tada:
cern-root #18900 :clock9: libxpm recipe bug
coin-cbc #23536, #15839 :x: missing dependencies
coz #18694 :tada:
cpython #21387, #20960 :tada:
crashpad #24320, #21052 :tada:
daggy #18810 :white_check_mark:
dd-opentracing-cpp #18816 :tada:
depot_tools #18982 :tada:
diligent-core #23347, #21522 :tada:
directshowbaseclasses #18654 :tada:
djinni-support-lib #18736 :tada:
enchant #18670 :tada:
enjincppsdk #18804 :tada:
flatcc #18797 :tada:
flint #18720 :tada:
folly #21109, #15726 :x:
ftjam #19238 :tada:
gamenetworkingsockets #18988 :tada:
gdal #19298 :tada:
getdns #21389, #12020 :white_check_mark:
gf-complete #18854 :tada:
gm2calc #18689 :tada:
gn #18847 :tada:
gnulib #18602 :tada:
gobject-introspection #18624 :white_check_mark:
godot-cpp #18862 :tada:
gst-plugins-base #19530, #17656 :x: version conflict
gtk #21123 :x: version conflict
hexl #18833 :tada:
huffman #18657 :tada:
iceoryx #18905, #19330 :tada:
ignition-cmake #19073 :tada:
ignition-math #18992 :x: swig dependency
ignition-tools #19074 :x:
ignition-utils #19075 :x: missing doxygen binary
imagemagick #21699, #18623 :x: configure.exe buffer overflow on MSVC
ios-cmake #21532 :white_check_mark:
isa-l #18955 :tada:
isl #21153, #14916, #18640 :tada:
jemalloc #21509, #17722, #18690, #17686 :tada:
jerryscript #18902 :tada:
kcov #18672 :tada:
kealib #18680 :tada:
libcheck #18793 :tada:
libcpuid #18723 :tada:
libelfin #18681 :tada:
libest #18947 :tada:
libfabric #18979 :white_check_mark:
libfreenect2 #18834 :tada:
libgit2 #18458, #18607 :tada:
libid3tag #18987 :tada:
libidn2 #18642 :tada:
libidn #18641 :tada:
libigl #18849 :tada:
libjxl #18812, #13898 :tada:
libprotobuf-mutator #24163, #18796 :tada:
librasterlite2 #22946, #16613 :white_check_mark:
librhash #18986 :tada:
libsolace #18722 :tada:
libtommath #18852, #16558 :white_check_mark:
libui #18707 :x: missing gtk dependency
libunifex #18265 :tada:
liburing #21061, #16700, #19739 :tada:
libusb-compat #18729 :tada:
libvault #19488 :tada:
lightgbm #18759 :tada:
liquid-dsp #18866, #18894 :white_check_mark:
llvm-core #22997, #22666 :white_check_mark:
magnum #18860 :x: test_package linking errors
magnum-extras #21513 :x: missing magnum dependency
magnum-integration #21514 :x: missing magnum dependency
magnum-plugins #21519 :x: missing magnum dependency
makefile-project-workspace-creator #18938 :tada:
mingw-w64 #21734 :tada:
mpir #18903 :tada:
msix #19228 :tada:
nativefiledialog #21152 :white_check_mark:
ncbi-cxx-toolkit-public #16750 :x: version conflicts
ncurses #20355, #18568, #17805, #20099 :tada:
net-snmp #19227 :x: linker errors on MSVC
nss #19262 :x: broken msvc build
nvcloth #23175, #18626 :tada:
ofeli #18952 :tada:
ogre #21073 :x: gcc build errors
opene57 #18803 :tada:
openimageio #19950, #18904 :tada:
openldap #23520, #18800, #16762 :tada:
openmpi #18980, #13655 :white_check_mark:
openassetio #23199 :x:
openscenegraph #23704, #21355 :tada:
open-simulation-interface #18749 :tada:
opentelemetry-cpp #21332 :tada:
openvdb #18891 :tada:
openvr #18788, #16913 :tada:
osgearth #21380, #14807 :x: version conflicts
pagmo2 #18820 :tada:
pango #20795, #18874 :tada:
pangomm #18886 :x: version conflict
pbc #18950 :tada:
pciutils #18959 :tada:
pdal #21296, #18907 :x:
pdcurses #18861 :tada:
pdfium #21130 :tada:
pexports #18643 :tada:
poppler #21135 :x: OpenSSL not found in test_package
premake #18844 :tada:
pro-mdnsd #19239 :tada:
qcoro #18837, #19848, #17183 :white_check_mark:
qt-advanced-docking-system #18794, #20233 :x: Qt6 recipe bug
quickfast #18674 :tada:
qxmpp #18743 :tada:
re2c #18635 :tada:
redradist-icc #18823 :tada:
resiprocate #18956, #20465 :tada:
rocksdb #17186 :tada:
ruby #18338, #12208 :x:
s2let #18693 :tada:
sassc #21112 :tada:
scc #18715 :tada:
sdl_mixer #21782, #17150, #18836 :tada:
shaderc #18807 :tada:
sleef #18721, #12322 :tada:
splunk-opentelemetry-cpp #18685 :x: linker errors against protobuf
sqlcipher #18898 :tada:
sqlpp11-connector-sqlite3 #18696, #15582 :tada:
srt #18795 :tada:
swig #19058 :tada:
tar #18819 :tada:
tgbot #18792, #16336 :tada:
tinyalsa #21064 :tada:
unleash-client-cpp #18739 :tada:
userspace-rcu #18949, #20811 :tada:
verilator #18897 :white_check_mark:
waf #18745 :tada:
wineditline #18652 :tada:
xtr #21111 :tada:
yandex-ozo #18354 :tada:
yojimbo #18853 :x: missing premake binary

Additionally, there are a few packages where the newest versions have been migrated but not some of the older ones.

Recipe PRs Status Blockers
b2/standard #18089 :x: test_package issue, linter error
giflib/5.1.x #18628 :tada:
hiredis/0.x.x #18948 :tada:
libftdi/0.x #18730 :tada:
mold/1.3.1 #18848 :tada:
mpdecimal/2.4.2 #18901 :tada:
rmlui/3.3 #21647 :x:
sdl_mixer/2.0.4 #18836 :white_check_mark:
jmaillard01 commented 5 months ago

Hi ! I would be very much interested in having openscenegraph/3.6.5 recipe migrated to conan v2. I see that you are not far but test_package is having link issues in windows (Linux seems to go fine). Also note that with Visual 2019 (16.11.33) and cmake 328.2, I had to disable the X plugin (tc.variables["BUILD_OSG_PLUGIN_X"] = "0") to avoid a compile error.

Neustradamus commented 1 month ago

Thanks to @Croydon to have informed that there is now this ticket :)


lkotsonis commented 3 weeks ago

Are all recipes migrated now? @valgur

valgur commented 2 weeks ago

No. I updated the list just now.