conan-io / conan-package-tools

Conan Package Tools. Helps with massive package creation and CI integration (Travis CI, Appveyor...)
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Allow uploading from MR/PRs #564

Open skycaptain opened 3 years ago

skycaptain commented 3 years ago

Description of Problem, Request, or Question

I'm trying to use CPT from a Giltab CI pipeline where Conan packages are uploaded to an Artifactory instance. My pipelines also uses rules to define the behaviour for default, feature and release branches. Conan's docs suggest to setup three repositories: release for released packages, develop for master/main/trunk/stable packages and build for feature branch artifacts or everything else, ie. MR/PR pipelines. However, when trying to upload conan packages from a MR pipeline, I'm getting the following:

Skipping upload, this is a Pull Request

I have CONAN_UPLOAD and the following settings set:

| upload_only_when_stable   | False                                                      |
| upload_only_when_tag      | False                                                      |
| upload_only_recipe        | False                                                      |
| upload_force              | True                                                       |
| stable_branch_pattern     | release/*                                                  |
| stable_channel            | stable                                                     |
| channel                   | testing                                                    |
| upload_dependencies       | all     

This seems to be lines preventing the upload

if not os.getenv("CONAN_TEST_SUITE", False):
    if self.ci_manager.is_pull_request():
        # PENDING! can't found info for gitlab/bamboo
        self.printer.print_message("Skipping upload, this is a Pull Request")
        return False

My understanding is that if an upload remote is given, CPT should not prevent uploading, especially when sth. like upload_force is set to true. It seems like one way to circumvent that check is to set CONAN_TEST_SUITE. But, if I'm not mistaken that's an internal variable for your test suite and hence not public, right? There seems no documentation of this variable.

How can I enforce uploading packages from a MR?

Environment Details

Steps to reproduce (Include if Applicable)

Build logs (Include if Available)

Hopobcn commented 3 years ago

Unfortunately upload_force just controls --force parameter of conan upload. Doesn't has anything to do with CPT. (I fell to the same pitfall).

Maybe upload_force should override (most) checks of