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[question] Adding utility `*.cmake` module into the package #12672

Closed saukijan closed 1 year ago

saukijan commented 1 year ago

Hello everyone,

I am working on Package/open62541: bump to v1.3.4 and I need to package a specific CMake module, provided by the upstream.

In v1 it was packaged under [package_root]/lib/cmake/open62541 declared in self.cpp_info.builddirs and automatically included via the self.cpp_info.build_modules, but that is no longer the case in v2.

The conan v2 migration guide states that I should move this Cmake module into a subfolder cmake and assing self.cpp_info.builddirs = ["cmake"], however KB-H013 states that:

The binary packages shouldn't contain any other files or folder except the following: ["lib", "bin", "include", "res", "licenses"].

For reference here is the latest reworked recipe (not yet published) ```python from conan import ConanFile from import cmake_layout, CMake, CMakeToolchain, CMakeDeps from import VirtualBuildEnv from import Version from import apply_conandata_patches, collect_libs, export_conandata_patches, rename, rm, rmdir, mkdir, get from conans.errors import ConanInvalidConfiguration import glob import os import yaml required_conan_version = ">=1.53.0" class Open62541Conan(ConanFile): name = "open62541" license = "MPLv2" homepage = "" url = "" description = "open62541 is an open source and free implementation of OPC UA " \ "(OPC Unified Architecture) written in the common subset of the " \ "C99 and C++98 languages. The library is usable with all major " \ "compilers and provides the necessary tools to implement dedicated " \ "OPC UA clients and servers, or to integrate OPC UA-based communication " \ "into existing applications. open62541 library is platform independent. " \ "All platform-specific functionality is implemented via exchangeable " \ "plugins. Plugin implementations are provided for the major operating systems." topics = ( "opc ua", "open62541", "sdk", "server/client", "c", "iec-62541", "industrial automation", "tsn", "time sensitive networks", "publish-subscirbe", "pubsub" ) settings = "os", "compiler", "build_type", "arch" options = { "fPIC": [True, False], "shared": [True, False], # False: UA_ENABLE_HISTORIZING=Off # True: UA_ENABLE_HISTORIZING=On # Experimental: UA_ENABLE_HISTORIZING=On and UA_ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_HISTORIZING=On "historize": [True, False, "Experimental"], "logging_level": ["Fatal", "Error", "Warning", "Info", "Debug", "Trace"], # False: UA_ENABLE_SUBSCRIPTIONS=Off # True: UA_ENABLE_SUBSCRIPTIONS=On # With Events: deprecated. Use 'events' instead # events: UA_ENABLE_SUBSCRIPTIONS_EVENTS=On # alarms,conditions,events: UA_ENABLE_SUBSCRIPTIONS_EVENTS=On and UA_ENABLE_SUBSCRIPTIONS_ALARMS_CONDITIONS=On "subscription": [True, False, "With Events", "events", "alarms,conditions,events"], # False: UA_ENABLE_METHODCALLS=Off # True: UA_ENABLE_METHODCALLS=Onn "methods": [True, False], # False: UA_ENABLE_NODEMANAGEMENT=Off # True: UA_ENABLE_NODEMANAGEMENT=On "dynamic_nodes": [True, False], # False: UA_ENABLE_AMALGAMATION=Off # True: UA_ENABLE_AMALGAMATION=On "single_header": [True, False], # None: UA_MULTITHREADING=0 # Threadsafe: UA_MULTITHREADING=100 # Internal threads: UA_MULTITHREADING=200 "multithreading": ["None", "Threadsafe", "Internal threads"], # False: UA_ENABLE_IMMUTABLE_NODES=Off # True: UA_ENABLE_IMMUTABLE_NODES=On "imutable_nodes": [True, False], # False: UA_ENABLE_WEBSOCKET_SERVER=Off # True: UA_ENABLE_WEBSOCKET_SERVER=On "web_socket": [True, False], # False: UA_ENABLE_DISCOVERY=Off # True: UA_ENABLE_DISCOVERY=On # With Multicast: Deprecated. Use 'multicast' instead # multicast: UA_ENABLE_DISCOVERY_MULTICAST=On # semaphore: UA_ENABLE_DISCOVERY_SEMAPHORE=On # multicast,semaphore: UA_ENABLE_DISCOVERY_MULTICAST=On and UA_ENABLE_DISCOVERY_SEMAPHORE=On "discovery": [True, False, "With Multicast", "multicast", "semaphore", "multicast,semaphore"], # Deprecated. Use discovery=semaphore instead "discovery_semaphore": [True, False], # False: UA_ENABLE_QUERY=Off # True: UA_ENABLE_QUERY=On "query": [True, False], # False: UA_ENABLE_ENCRYPTION=Off # openssl: UA_ENABLE_ENCRYPTION=On and UA_ENABLE_ENCRYPTION_OPENSSL=On # mbedtls: UA_ENABLE_ENCRYPTION=On # changed in 1.3.1 - UA_ENABLE_ENCRYPTION can be OFF, OPENSSL, MBEDTLS "encryption": [False, "openssl", "mbedtls"], # False: UA_ENABLE_JSON_ENCODING=Off # True: UA_ENABLE_JSON_ENCODING=On "json_support": [True, False], # False: UA_ENABLE_PUBSUB=Off # Simple: UA_ENABLE_PUBSUB=On # Ethernet: UA_ENABLE_PUBSUB=On and UA_ENABLE_PUBSUB_ETH_UADP=On # Ethernet_XDP: UA_ENABLE_PUBSUB=On and UA_ENABLE_PUBSUB_ETH_UADP_XDP=On "pub_sub": [False, "Simple", "Ethernet", "Ethernet_XDP"], # False: UA_ENABLE_PUBSUB_ENCRYPTION=Off # True: UA_ENABLE_PUBSUB_ENCRYPTION=On "pub_sub_encryption": [True, False], # False: UA_ENABLE_DA=Off # True: UA_ENABLE_DA=On "data_access": [True, False], # False: UA_ENABLE_NODESET_COMPILER_DESCRIPTIONS=Off and UA_NAMESPACE_ZERO=options.namespace_zero # True: UA_ENABLE_NODESET_COMPILER_DESCRIPTIONS=On and UA_NAMESPACE_ZERO=Full "compiled_nodeset_descriptions": [True, False], # UA_NAMESPACE_ZERO=option.namespace_zero (only if compiled_nodeset_descriptions=False) "namespace_zero": ["MINIMAL", "REDUCED", "FULL"], # UA_ENABLE_MICRO_EMB_DEV_PROFILE=embedded_profile "embedded_profile": [True, False], # UA_ENABLE_TYPENAMES=typenames "typenames": [True, False], # UA_ENABLE_HARDENING=hardening "hardening": [True, False], # UA_COMPILE_AS_CXX=cpp_compatible "cpp_compatible": [True, False], # UA_ENABLE_STATUSCODE_DESCRIPTIONS=readable_statuscodes "readable_statuscodes": [True, False] } default_options = { "fPIC": True, "shared": False, "historize": False, "logging_level": "Info", "subscription": True, "methods": True, "dynamic_nodes": True, "single_header": False, "multithreading": "None", "imutable_nodes": False, "web_socket": False, "discovery": "semaphore", "discovery_semaphore": True, "query": False, "encryption": False, "json_support": False, "pub_sub": False, "pub_sub_encryption": False, "data_access": True, "compiled_nodeset_descriptions": True, "namespace_zero": "FULL", "embedded_profile": False, "typenames": True, "hardening": True, "cpp_compatible": False, "readable_statuscodes": True } exports_sources = ["CMakeLists.txt", "patches/**"] exports = "submoduledata.yml" short_paths = True def export_sources(self): export_conandata_patches(self) def config_options(self): if self.settings.os == "Windows": del self.options.fPIC if Version(self.version) >= "1.3.1": del self.options.embedded_profile def configure(self): if self.options.shared: self.options.rm_safe("fPIC") if not self.options.cpp_compatible: self.settings.rm_safe("compiler.libcxx") self.settings.rm_safe("compiler.cppstd") # Due to we cannot build with 1.2.2 + Windows + shared if Version(self.version) >= "1.2.2" and self.settings.os == "Windows" and self.options.shared: raise ConanInvalidConfiguration("{0} {1} doesn't properly support shared lib on Windows".format(, self.version)) if self.options.subscription == "With Events": self.output.warning("`{name}:subscription=With Events` is deprecated. Use `{name}:subscription=events` instead".format( # Deprecated in 1.2.2 self.options.subscription = "events" if self.options.web_socket: self.options["libwebsockets"].with_ssl = self.options.encryption def layout(self): cmake_layout(self, src_folder="source") def requirements(self): if self.options.encryption == "mbedtls": self.requires("mbedtls/2.25.0") elif self.options.encryption == "openssl": self.requires("openssl/1.1.1o") if self.options.web_socket: self.requires("libwebsockets/4.2.0") if self.options.discovery == "With Multicast" or "multicast" in str(self.options.discovery): self.requires("pro-mdnsd/0.8.4") def validate(self): if not raise ConanInvalidConfiguration( "Open62541 requires subscription option") if not if self.options.discovery_semaphore: raise ConanInvalidConfiguration( "Open62541 discovery sempahore option requires discovery option to be enabled") if Version(self.version) < "1.1.0": if == "openssl": raise ConanInvalidConfiguration( "Lower Open62541 versions than 1.1.0 do not support openssl") if != "None": raise ConanInvalidConfiguration( "Lower Open62541 versions than 1.1.0 do not fully support multithreading") if raise ConanInvalidConfiguration( "Lower Open62541 versions than 1.1.0 do not fully support websockets") if raise ConanInvalidConfiguration( "Lower Open62541 versions than 1.1.0 are not cpp compatible due to -fpermisive flags") # FIXME: correct clang versions condition max_clang_version = "8" if Version( self.version) < "1.1.0" else "9" if == "clang" and Version( > max_clang_version: raise ConanInvalidConfiguration( "Open62541 supports Clang up to {} compiler version".format(max_clang_version)) if == "clang": if Version( < "5": raise ConanInvalidConfiguration( "Older clang compiler version than 5.0 are not supported") if != False and != "Linux": raise ConanInvalidConfiguration( "PubSub over Ethernet is not supported for your OS!") if if["libwebsockets"].with_ssl != self.options.encryption: raise ConanInvalidConfiguration( "When web_socket is enabled, libwebsockets:with_ssl must have the value of open62541:encryption") def source(self): get(self, **self.conan_data["sources"][self.version], destination=self.source_folder, strip_root=True) submodule_filename = os.path.join( self.recipe_folder, 'submoduledata.yml') with open(submodule_filename, 'r') as submodule_stream: submodules_data = yaml.safe_load(submodule_stream) for path, submodule in submodules_data["submodules"][self.version].items(): filename = os.path.basename(submodule["url"]) archive_name = submodule["archive_pattern"].format( version=os.path.splitext(filename.replace('v', ''))[0]) submodule_data = { "url": submodule["url"], "sha256": submodule["sha256"] } get(self, **submodule_data) submodule_source = os.path.join(self.source_folder, path) rmdir(self, submodule_source) rename(self, archive_name, submodule_source) def _get_log_level(self): return { "Fatal": "600", "Error": "500", "Warning": "400", "Info": "300", "Debug": "200", "Trace": "100", "PackageOption": "300" }.get(str(self.options.logging_level), "300") def _get_multithreading_option(self): return { "None": "0", "Threadsafe": "100", "Internal threads": "200" }.get(str(self.options.multithreading), "0") def generate(self): tc = CMakeToolchain(self) version = Version(self.version) tc.variables["OPEN62541_VER_MAJOR"] = version.major tc.variables["OPEN62541_VER_MINOR"] = version.minor tc.variables["OPEN62541_VER_PATCH"] = version.patch tc.variables["UA_LOGLEVEL"] = self._get_log_level() tc.variables["UA_ENABLE_SUBSCRIPTIONS"] = self.options.subscription != False if self.options.subscription != False: if "events" in str(self.options.subscription): tc.variables["UA_ENABLE_SUBSCRIPTIONS_EVENTS"] = True if "alarms" in str(self.options.subscription) and "conditions" in str(self.options.subscription): tc.variables["UA_ENABLE_SUBSCRIPTIONS_ALARMS_CONDITIONS"] = True tc.variables["UA_ENABLE_METHODCALLS"] = self.options.methods tc.variables["UA_ENABLE_NODEMANAGEMENT"] = self.options.dynamic_nodes tc.variables["UA_ENABLE_AMALGAMATION"] = self.options.single_header if version >= "1.1.3": tc.variables["UA_MULTITHREADING"] = self._get_multithreading_option() tc.variables["UA_ENABLE_IMMUTABLE_NODES"] = self.options.imutable_nodes tc.variables["UA_ENABLE_WEBSOCKET_SERVER"] = self.options.web_socket tc.variables["UA_ENABLE_HISTORIZING"] = self.options.historize != False if self.options.historize != False: if self.options.historize == "Experimental": tc.variables["UA_ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_HISTORIZING"] = True tc.variables["UA_ENABLE_DISCOVERY"] = self.options.discovery != False if self.options.discovery != False: tc.variables["UA_ENABLE_DISCOVERY_MULTICAST"] = \ self.options.discovery == "With Multicast" or "multicast" in str( self.options.discovery) tc.variables["UA_ENABLE_DISCOVERY_SEMAPHORE"] = \ self.options.discovery_semaphore or "semaphore" in str( self.options.discovery) tc.variables["UA_ENABLE_QUERY"] = self.options.query if Version(self.version) >= "1.3.1": if self.options.encryption == "openssl": tc.variables["UA_ENABLE_ENCRYPTION"] = "OPENSSL" elif self.options.encryption == "mbedtls": tc.variables["UA_ENABLE_ENCRYPTION"] = "MBEDTLS" else: tc.variables["UA_ENABLE_ENCRYPTION"] = "OFF" else: tc.variables["UA_ENABLE_ENCRYPTION"] = self.options.encryption != False if self.options.encryption != False: if self.options.encryption == "openssl": tc.variables["UA_ENABLE_ENCRYPTION_OPENSSL"] = True tc.variables["UA_ENABLE_JSON_ENCODING"] = self.options.json_support tc.variables["UA_ENABLE_PUBSUB"] = self.options.pub_sub != False tc.variables["UA_ENABLE_PUBSUB_ENCRYPTION"] = self.options.pub_sub_encryption != False if self.options.pub_sub != False: if self.settings.os == "Linux" and self.options.pub_sub == "Ethernet": tc.variables["UA_ENABLE_PUBSUB_ETH_UADP"] = True elif self.settings.os == "Linux" and self.options.pub_sub == "Ethernet_XDP": tc.variables["UA_ENABLE_PUBSUB_ETH_UADP_XDP"] = True tc.variables["UA_ENABLE_DA"] = self.options.data_access if self.options.compiled_nodeset_descriptions == True: tc.variables["UA_ENABLE_NODESET_COMPILER_DESCRIPTIONS"] = self.options.compiled_nodeset_descriptions tc.variables["UA_NAMESPACE_ZERO"] = "FULL" else: tc.variables["UA_NAMESPACE_ZERO"] = self.options.namespace_zero if Version(self.version) < "1.3.1": tc.variables["UA_ENABLE_MICRO_EMB_DEV_PROFILE"] = self.options.embedded_profile tc.variables["UA_ENABLE_TYPENAMES"] = self.options.typenames tc.variables["UA_ENABLE_STATUSCODE_DESCRIPTIONS"] = self.options.readable_statuscodes tc.variables["UA_ENABLE_HARDENING"] = self.options.hardening if self.settings.compiler == "Visual Studio" and self.options.shared == True: tc.variables["UA_MSVC_FORCE_STATIC_CRT"] = True tc.variables["UA_COMPILE_AS_CXX"] = self.options.cpp_compatible tc.generate() tc = CMakeDeps(self) tc.generate() tc = VirtualBuildEnv(self) tc.generate(scope="build") def _patch_sources(self): apply_conandata_patches(self) if Version(self.version) >= "1.3.1": os.unlink(os.path.join(self.source_folder, "tools", "cmake", "FindPython3.cmake")) def build(self): self._patch_sources() cmake = CMake(self) cmake.configure() @property def _tools_subfolder(self): return os.path.join(self.source_folder, "tools") @property def _module_subfolder(self): return os.path.join("lib", "cmake", "open62541") @property def _module_file_rel_path(self): return os.path.join(self._module_subfolder, "open62541Macros.cmake") def package(self): self.copy("LICENSE", dst="licenses", src=self.source_folder) self.copy("LICENSE-CC0", dst="licenses", src=self.source_folder) cmake = CMake(self) cmake.install() rm(self, '*.pdb', os.path.join(self.package_folder, "bin")) rm(self, '*.pdb', os.path.join(self.package_folder, "lib")) for cmake_file in glob.glob(os.path.join(self.package_folder, self._module_subfolder, "*")): if not cmake_file.endswith(self._module_file_rel_path): os.remove(cmake_file) rmdir(self, os.path.join(self.package_folder, "lib", "pkgconfig")) rmdir(self, os.path.join(self.package_folder, "share")) self.copy("generate_*.py", src=self._tools_subfolder, dst=os.path.join("res", "tools")) self.copy("nodeset_compiler/*", src=self._tools_subfolder, dst=os.path.join("res", "tools")) @staticmethod def _chmod_plus_x(filename): if == 'posix': os.chmod(filename, os.stat(filename).st_mode | 0o111) def package_info(self): self.cpp_info.names["cmake_find_package"] = "open62541" self.cpp_info.names["cmake_find_package_multi"] = "open62541" self.cpp_info.names["pkg_config"] = "open62541" self.cpp_info.libs = collect_libs(self) self.cpp_info.includedirs = [ "include", os.path.join("include", "open62541", "plugin") ] # required for creating custom servers from ua-nodeset self.conf_info.define("user.myconf:tools_dir", os.path.join( self.package_folder, "res", "tools")) self._chmod_plus_x(os.path.join(self.package_folder, "res", "tools", "")) if self.options.single_header: self.cpp_info.defines.append("UA_ENABLE_AMALGAMATION") if self.settings.os == "Windows": self.cpp_info.system_libs.append("ws2_32") self.cpp_info.includedirs.append( os.path.join("include", "open62541", "win32")) else: self.cpp_info.includedirs.append( os.path.join("include", "open62541", "posix")) if self.settings.os in ("Linux", "FreeBSD"): self.cpp_info.system_libs.extend(["pthread", "m", "rt"]) self.cpp_info.builddirs = [self._module_subfolder] ```
SpaceIm commented 1 year ago

In v1 it was packaged under [package_root]/lib/cmake/open62541 declared in self.cpp_info.builddirs and automatically included via the self.cpp_info.build_modules, but that is no longer the case in v2.

The conan v2 migration guide states that I should move this Cmake module into a subfolder cmake and assing self.cpp_info.builddirs = ["cmake"], however KB-H013 states that:

The binary packages shouldn't contain any other files or folder except the following: ["lib", "bin", "include", "res", "licenses"].

This advice in conan v2 migration is just an example, any folder is fine, conan doesn't hardcode build folder of module files.

  • Should I leave it in [package_root]/lib/cmake/open62541?
  • How should I rework the self.cpp_info.build_modules part so it is auto-included in test_package? (Should I use CMakeDeps generator to achieve the same behavior as in v1? If so how?)

Yes, leave this file here, and set cmake_build_modules property with its relative path (only if this file is supposed to be automatically included by CMake config file).

saukijan commented 1 year ago

Thanks, @SpaceIm for the quick answer!


self.cpp_info.set_property("cmake_build_modules", [self._module_file_rel_path])

After self.cpp_info.builddirs = [self._module_subfolder] line, fixed the issue!