conceptualspace / nightlight

🌘 Inverted display mode for better viewing ergonomics in dark lighting
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Nightlight makes drag&drop stop working #4

Closed danigart closed 5 years ago

danigart commented 5 years ago

Hi there!

There seems to be a conflict between this plugin (Nightlight) and Firefox's ability to do drag&drop with files (e.g. actions like drag&droping a file into Gmail,, etc. stop working). If I uninstall Nightlight, I can drag&drop again. If I reinstall it, it works ok at first, but later on I'm having the problem again. Hope it can be fixed.


conceptualspace commented 5 years ago

That's very strange!

I'm not sure how nightlight could be causing that -- the plugin just updates CSS styles. (Unless there is some kind of bug in FF itself). Given that this is the only report of this issue I've received and that it worked temporarily after a reinstall I'm inclined to think the issue is elsewhere. Nevertheless, there are a few things we can try to help isolate the problem:

  1. Do you have any other extensions enabled? If you disable/uninstall the others, does the problem persist?
  2. If you simply disable nightlight via the toolbar, does the problem persist?
  3. Does it affect all sites that use drag and drop or only some? Can you provide a URL to a specific site that fails?
  4. Please confirm your OS and browser version
danigart commented 5 years ago

Hi there! I'm not able to reproduce the problem at this moment. Last time it happened, I checked my FF's extensions list and thought it had to be Nighlight's fault because it's the only active extension in there, and because the problem went away after I disabled it. However I'm not having the problem these last days, with Nightlight enabled, so I can't draw any conclussions as yet. I'l report back if I found more. Thanks!