conceptualspace / nightlight

🌘 Inverted display mode for better viewing ergonomics in dark lighting
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Whitelist #9

Open puna2373 opened 2 years ago

puna2373 commented 2 years ago

When Right clicking the Extension Icon within the Chrome extension tray.

This is a rather minor complaint I use your feature at work and our company has a policy against using the term Whitelist. I often interact with the extension and end up using the term after reading it in the menu.

Our work has suggested Allow and Deny lists as the name for this concept. I realize this is rather nitpicky but it is causing me massive amounts of unneeded stress and I would imagine its just changing a string for that menu option.

Thank you for writing this app it is amazing and you are a legend for putting it together if I could only have one extension It would be this one.