conceptualspace / yet-another-speed-dial

a modern speed dial for chrome, edge and firefox
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Special Urls and YASD #63

Open HyperionEx opened 2 years ago

HyperionEx commented 2 years ago


With YASD i tried to do some sort of config panel in the SpeedDial (with the browser special pages/settings shortcuts).

Having urls like this:

Is suppose YASD checks the urls against http:// or https://. So you can't do it ... Could you change this or provide some solution ?

Thanks !

conceptualspace commented 2 years ago

yes you're exactly right, because speed dials are actually bookmarks, (most) browsers impose the limitation that they have to be web protocols. the plan is for YASD to support these eventually, but i need to code in some special handling for them

d9k commented 1 year ago

@conceptualspace, what is a progress on issue?

WoosterUK commented 1 year ago

Would I be correct in inferring that this applies also to the file:// protocol? I can add these into the bookmark list just fine, and they function as 'normal' if I select through a bookmark manager, but they don't show in YASD.