concerto / concerto-remote-video

Core Concerto plugin for remote video sources
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Add support for video length auto-moderation. #15

Open vreelb opened 10 years ago

vreelb commented 10 years ago

A setting on the feed to specify a max/min video length that is allowed at the submission stage, pre-moderation.

mfrederickson commented 10 years ago

I know Ben was asking for adding it to the feed, but should this be added to the global settings instead?

augustf commented 10 years ago

In general, with submission settings, global settings serve to establish reasonable defaults, but leave the final choice in the hands of feed owner and moderators.

mfrederickson commented 10 years ago

Well, we have a min/max content duration for non-video content in the global settings. How should this request be implemented?

augustf commented 10 years ago

Well, unlike static content, I'm not sure there's an "intelligent default" for video content globally. I'm still fairly unclear on what sort of video people want to play on their digital signage. I just don't imagine folks passing by a screen and sticking around for even a 3 minute video, but I remember at least one group at RPI that wanted rather long videos on their screen.

mfrederickson commented 10 years ago

I suppose then that if we are not going to provide a mechanism for Ben to establish reasonable limits on video duration, that we should probably indicate that here and close this ticket.

augustf commented 10 years ago

Well all I'm saying is that if we can't think of clever global defaults, there's no harm in giving feed owners/moderators the choice.

mfrederickson commented 10 years ago

OK. If it were up to me, I'd add the settings for the admin (global) so they could enforce overall limits, and then also provide (like you said) the setting in the feed so the feed owner could enforce their limits within their feed. But I don't want to make those changes without some direction from the team.

augustf commented 10 years ago

Yeah-I'd love to hear from someone who's deployed video what their experience has been.

zr2d2 commented 10 years ago

You should solicit the concerto Google group for that, probably