concourse / concourse-bosh-deployment

A toolchain for deploying Concourse with BOSH.
Apache License 2.0
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Add manifest for an external windows worker #226

Closed idoru closed 4 years ago

idoru commented 4 years ago


I recently needed to deploy an external windows worker. This turned out to require a lot of patching if one starts off with external-worker.yml manifest. While the ops files for windows-worker.yml and windows-worker-ephemeral-disk.yml will add the necessary sections to the manifest, because they are assumed largely to apply to the main concourse deployment, and not an external deployment, one still needs to manually craft an ops file to do the following things:

This PR adds a manifest specifically for deploying an external windows worker, taking inspiration and attempting to follow the pattern set in external-worker.yml.

It's still compatible with windows-worker-ephemeral-disk.yml if it is needed.

vito commented 4 years ago
