concourse / concourse-bosh-deployment

A toolchain for deploying Concourse with BOSH.
Apache License 2.0
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add credhub sample ops file #40

Open patrickhuber opened 6 years ago

patrickhuber commented 6 years ago

I see a vault sample ops file, adding one for credhub will help others set that up as well.

Here is the sample from my deployment:

- type: replace
  path: /instance_groups/name=web/jobs/name=atc/properties/credhub?
    client_id: ((credhub_client_id))
    client_secret: ((credhub_client_secret))
    path_prefix: /concourse
      insecure_skip_verify: false
      ca_cert: ((
    url: https://((credhub_ip)):8844

Based off of this repo:

And this ops file:

Optionally could use a ((credhub_url)) variable instead of the IP, but the sample comes from a deployment where credhub is on the same VM as the bosh director.

deadlysyn commented 6 years ago

for posterity... see also:

@patrickhuber 's example was useful for me to simply point concourse to an existing credhub (deployed on my bosh director in my case)...but the emerging pattern seems to be keeping concourse-facing credhub separate and scaled with atcs.

haydonryan commented 6 years ago

I second the emerging pattern that @deadlysyn mentioned. If you use the credhub on bosh director then it will cause downtime when bosh director is updated, this way you get minimal downtime that is coupled to concourse upgrades rather than a 3rd component.