concourse / concourse-chart

Helm chart to install Concourse
Apache License 2.0
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Assign service account to teams and/or workers #239

Open bonzofenix opened 3 years ago

bonzofenix commented 3 years ago

When I run tasks as a member of a team, it would be useful to have a service account associated to an aws role when deploying on EKS. This way I can rely on IAM for the permissions I want certain teams or a concourse cluster to have for aws. Maybe I am missing something but I do not see how could I implement this.

I tried assigning an iam role to the workers service account but this does not propagate to the actual worker steps of a pipeline.

taylorsilva commented 3 years ago

Correct, I don't think there's currently anyway to achieve this. Concourse doesn't give you a way to share stuff from the workers environment with the containers it is creating on that worker.